I pulled the landscape tulips that had finished out of the window boxes and tossed them in a bucket; need to replant them in the backyard today, and hopefully they’ll come back. Replaced with various things — lobelia and ivy at the corners of the window boxes, and ballerina thrift in the center, because I wanted something with a bit of height.
I don’t think I’ve planted thrift before, though I’ve liked it a long time — it’s a perennial, so when it’s done in the window boxes, I’ll try to pull it out and find it a spot in the garden where it might be happy to come back next year.
The grape hyacinths (muscari) I’ll also pull out when they finish and plant in the garden, with hopes that they’ll come back next year. The pansies will wither with summer heat, but I’ll probably just leave them in there, because they should come back and bloom again in the fall. (Sometimes they even survive over the winter.)