Well, I didn’t get everything done I hoped to yesterday; in particular, I still have a few hours of work left on my story revision for George. But in my defense, my pantry is now gloriously organized….um, I feel like Virginia Woolf is glaring at me right now.
Discovered a great life hack, though — I ended up playing two remote games of Terraforming Mars with Jed last night, and it turns out that the lag between online turns is just long enough to do little tasks. So I ended up using the game as a way of getting myself to go through two big projects I’d been avoiding finishing — repotting and refreshing the rest of the indoor plants for winter (adding fresh soil, trimming dead bits, adding fertilizer), and reorganizing the pantry. The tedium was nicely eliminated because I was busy thinking about my next move while I cleared a shelf, etc. I will make Jed play TM with me for ALL my chores now.
(Seriously, sweetie, if I finish the WC revision by 6-ish, I do want to get through as much as I can of the mudroom / basement project this evening before I leave town tomorrow morning, so if you’re up for another game or two this evening, let me know.)
The plan for today alternates meeting with people with writing, mostly, plus a few errands. Assistant Stephanie is back from a few weeks of vacation (HOORAY!!!), and we’ll be processing the book orders that came in over the holiday break. I also need to contact Mascot and make sure that my order for more books shipped to me went through, as I am basically out of hardcovers until they arrive, and I hate to keep people waiting. (Though I can also contact Jake’s Place Books and see if they have any consignment hardcovers left; I can maybe pick a couple up from them if I’m in dire need today.)
I have a few holiday items that didn’t work to return, so probably a brief midday break running around Oak Park, also dropping off a copy of Feast to Jill (sorry, meant to do it this weekend, but time got away from me; hope porch drop-off will work for you). Also some phone calls — mostly scheduling routine medical appointments. But mostly writing — oh, and a meeting with Karen and Carly for SLF development work, and a phone meeting with Irene for SLF publicity work.
That’s plenty to get through today, I think. Plus packing at some point, since I need to be at the airport at 8:30 tomorrow morning. Must confirm there’s two beds in the room, since I’ll be sharing with Sugi Ganeshananthan, yay, must pack her copy of the book (and some curry powder), must see if the hotel has a pool and if so, pack a swimsuit or two.
Will post a few photos first, from the weekend’s gaming, because the coffee hasn’t quite hit yet. But I swear, by 9, I’ll buckle down to actual work. I have to, because Stephanie will be arriving then. Having an assistant to work with is another effective hack for getting me to do my own work. Sort of like throwing regular potlucks to force me to at least semi-clean my house.