This is a list I started putting together in 1993, when I was in college, working on an English bachelor’s thesis on Samuel R. Delany. At the time, it was difficult to find SF/F featuring non-straight sexuality. I kept the list updated periodically through 2006, at which point it seemed not really necessary anymore, as we were seeing a massive increase in queer representation in the genre. At this point, I’m leaving this document up primarily as a historical document; perhaps it will be useful as a starting point for those looking into the early days of alternative sexual writings in SF/F.
Most but not all renderings of alternate sexualities and identities in these texts are positive. Not all the books listed are fantasy/sf, though the majority are.
– Mary Anne
Last updated June 13, 2006
- Garber, Eric & Lyn Paleo
- Uranian Worlds: A Reader’s Guide to Alternate Sexuality in Science
Fiction and Fantasy (Not at all a comprehensive listing)
- Across the Wounded Galaxy: Interviews with writers
- Broderick, Damien
- Reading by Starlight (post-modern sf, focused on Delany)
- Delany, Samuel R.
- The Jewel-Hinged Jaw (contains a critique of LeGuin’s
- The Dispossessed)
- Frye, Northrop
- Jamison, Frederick
- Palumbo, Donald, ed.
- Erotic Universe: Sexuality and Fantastic Literature (includes the
articles “Homosexuality in Science Fiction and Fantasy”,
“Again, The Left Hand of Darkness: Androgyny or
Homophobia?”, etc.)
- Erotic Universe: Sexuality and Fantastic Literature (includes the
(NOTE: Many short stories, especially those published in Asimov’s, Omni,
Fantasy & SF, and other better-known magazines, can be found in “Best Of”
anthologies like those by Gardner Dozois, DAW, Terri/Windling/Ellen Datlow
— these collections are generally much easier to find, and you may want
to check them for the titles below.)
- Amazing Stories
- Quick, W.T. – “Whatever Gets You Through The Night” – March 1990
- Analog
- Byers Edward – “The Disconnect” – August 1982
- Turtledove, Harry – _The Great Unknown_ = April, May, June 1991
- Blue Blood (2625 Piedmont Rd, #56332, Atlanta, GA 30324)
(counterculture erotic sf/f/h, multi-orientation, sex-positive)
Dead of Night Magazine
- Bowen, Gary
- “The Amateur Vampire” – #9
- “The Haunting of Andrew Brigg” – #11
- “Dream-Eater” – #13
- Galaxy
- Varley’s “Eight Worlds” stories – mid-to-late 70s
- Asimov’s
- Varley, John – “The Barbie Murders” – Feb 1978 (also appeared in
the Terry Carr “Best Of” for 1978)
- Varley, John – “The Barbie Murders” – Feb 1978 (also appeared in
- Shepard, Lucius – “A Traveler’s Tale” – July 1984
- Rainbow, Tom – “The Science Fiction of Sex change” – July 1985
- Jablokov, Alexander – “The Death Artist” – Aug 1990 (also appeared
in The Year’s Best Science Fiction, 8th Annual –
Gardner Dozois, ed.) - Casper, Susan – “Nine Tenths of the Law” – Jul 1991
- Varley, John – “Her Girl Friday” – Aug 1992
- Egan, Greg – “Cocoon” (gay protagonist; genetic programming of
sexuality) – recentF & SF Magazine- Heinlein, Robert – “All You Zombies” – March 1959
- Varley, John – “Picnic on Nearside” – Aug 1974
- Shepard, Lucius – “Life of Buddha” – May 1988 (also appeared in
Year’s Best F&H, Second Annual – Datlow & Windling, ed.) - Calder, Richard – “Mosquito” – Jul 1990
- Ellison, Harlan – “Erotophobia” – 1981
- Heym, Stefan – “The Wachsmuth Syndrome” – Sept 1972
Wavelengths – Barnett, Lisa A., Ed. – journal reviewing new GLB
By editor.
- Aldiss, Brian W. – Galactic Empires v.2, p 182-202
- Harrison, Harry – “Final Encounter” (kourogenetic men)
- Busby, F.M. – Getting Home
- Busby, F.M.
- “Road Map” (body swapping)
- “Getting Home” (body swapping)
- Bowen, Gary – Cyber Magick: Lesbian SF
- Blevins, Tippi – “The Scent of Fresh Ginger”
- Alward, Emily – “Pledge-sister”
- Buis, Lela – “Enigma Variations”
- M’Clatchey, Gwen – “The Road to Shinki”
- Bowen, Gary – Green Echo: Ecological SF
- Thomas, Jeffrey – “Fallen” (fallen angel and male lover)
- Bowen, Gary – Floating Worlds: Oriental Fantasies (F)
- Mohanraj, Mary Anne – “Goddess Blessing” (ff)
- Bowen, Gary – Icarus & Angels: Flights of Fantasy
- Bowen, Gary – “Sky Fish”
- Crittenden, Lee – “Ascension”
- Eikamp, Rhonda – “The Physician’s Flight”
- Thomas, Jeffrey – “Mourning Cloak”
- Bowen, Gary – Worthy Foes: Differently-Abled Heroes
- Davidson, Stephen Crane – “Jennie Janes,
Pistol-Packing, Wheelchair Rolling, Licensed
Demon Hunter” (discreet lesbian relationship)
- Carr, Terry – Universe 9, 10, and 13
- Varley, John – “Options”
- Busby, F.M. – “First Person Plural”
- Bickel, Bill – “The Widow and the Body Sitter” (body swapping)
- Clute, John, Colin Greenland and David Pringle – Interzone
- Ryman, Geoff – “O Happy Day!” (SF) (gay cast)
- Clute, John, David Pringle, and Simon Ounsley – Interzone
- Blumlein, Michael- “The Brains of Rats” (bisexual transvestite)
- Correas de Zapata, Celia, ed. – Short Stories by Latin American
- Naranjo, Carmen – “Symbiotic Encounter” (pregnant man)
- Datlow, Ellen – Alien Sex (SF)
- Baker, Scott – “The Jamesburg Incubus”
- Decarnin, Camilla; Paleo, Lynn; Garber, Eric – Worlds Apart:
An Anthology of Lesbian and Gay Science Fiction
and Fantasy (2nd edition is out) - Del Rey, Judy-Lynn – Stellar 7
- Hogan, James – “Identity Crises”
- Dozois, Gardner – Year’s Best – 7th and 8th
- Brennert, Alan – “The Third Sex”
- Jablokov, Alex – “The Death Artist”
- Eighner, Lars and Clay Caldwell – QSFx2: Queer Science Fiction
- 5 stories each
- Elder, Joseph – Eros in Orbit
- Scortia, Thomas – “Flowering Narcissus”
- Elliot, Jeffrey M. – Kindred Spirits: An Anthology of Gay and
Lesbian Science Fiction - Ellison, Harlan – Dangerous Visions
- Sturgeon, Theodore – “If All Men Were Brothers, Would You
Let One Marry Your Sister” (excellent)
- Etchison, Dennis – Cutting Edge (H)
- Wagner, Karl Edward – “Lacunae” (fragmenting transsexual)
- Foster, Alan Dean – Smart Dragons, Foolish Elves
- Lynn, Elizabeth – “The Man who was Pregnant”
- Freisner, Esther – Chicks in Chainmail
- Gelb, Jeff & Lonn Friend – Hot Blood
- (trilogy of erotic
horror – some vampire, some contemporary;
supernatural elements) - Gelb, Jeff & Michael Garrett
- Hotter Blood
- Hottest Blood
- plus several short stories
- Gibson, William – Burning Chrome (also contains transgendered
- Gibson, William & Shirley – “The Belonging Kind”
- Gomez, Jewel & Eric Garber – Swords of the Rainbow
- (gay/les sf anthology)
- Griffith, Nicola & Stephen Pagel
- Bending the Landscape: Fantasy (anthology of 22 queer-themed stories)
– winner Lambda - Bending the Landscape: Science Fiction – winner Lambda
- Bending the Landscape: Horror (forthcoming 2000)
- Bending the Landscape: Fantasy (anthology of 22 queer-themed stories)
- Hayden, Patrick Nielsen – Starlight 2 (Tor, 1998)
- Carter, Raphael – “Congenital Agenesis of Gender Ideation”
(Tiptree award winner; regarding perception of
gender; fascinating)
- Carter, Raphael – “Congenital Agenesis of Gender Ideation”
- Johnson, S.G. – A Crimson Kind of Evil
- M’Clatchey, Gwen – “The Mask of Blood”
- Johnson, S.G. – Dangerous Women
- Files, Gemma – “Flare” (latex)
- M’Clatchey, Gwen – “Short Skirts and Patriarchs”
(lesbian terrorists blow up the Washington
monument) - Riley, David B. – “Victory Bell” (dominatrix)
- Johnson, S.G. – Dark Desires
- Lewis, D.F. – “Floater”
- Martelli, Alex – “Universal Law” (gay SM)
- Johnson, S.G. – Dominion of the Ghosts
- Adams, Jane – “Delia in Blue” (femerotic/incestual tension)
- Nelson, Amy – “Soleil” (interracial lesbian)
- Johnson, S.G. – Moonshadows: Fantasies of Love and Magick
- Bland, Polly – “Julia” (lesbian vampire)
- Johnson, S.G. – Rites of Passage
- Rathbone, Wendy – “Ink and the Moon Goddess” (lesbian fantasy)
- Keesey, Pam, ed. – Daughters of Darkness: Lesbian Vampire
Stories - (10 stories)
- Knight, Amarantha, Ed. – Sex Macabre (F)
- Stone Jr., Del – “Homosexulus” (male homosexual)
- Knight, Damon – Orbit 9
- Wilhem, Kate – “The Infinity Box”
- Marshak, Sondra and Myrna Culbreath – ST: The New Voyages 2
- “The Procrustean Petard” (several members of the crew,
including Kirk, McCoy and Uhura, have their
reversed by some alien machinery)
- “The Procrustean Petard” (several members of the crew,
- Martin, George R.R., ed. – Wild Cards series
- Joker’s Wild (gay character)
- Aces Abroad (bisexual woman)
- One-Eyed Jacks
- (and more)
- Rucker, Rudy, Peter L. Wilson, and Robert A. Wilson – Semiotext(e)
(SF) - (a collection of “radical” sf published by the Semiotext(e) postmodernist
journal.) - Rusch, Kristine Kathryn – Pulphouse3
- Brennert, Alan – “the Third Sex”
- Salmonson, Jessica Amanda – Amazons! & Amazons II
- Tomoe Gozen series
- SAMOIS, ed., – Coming to Power (excellent s/m anthology)
(sf/f) -
- Drew, Holly – “The Seduction of Earth and Rain” (f)
- Schrimm, Janet – “Mirel” – (sf)
- Sargent, Pamela – Bio-Futures
- LeGuin, Ursula K. – “Nine Lives”
- Sargent, Pamela – Women of Wonder
- Dorman, Sonya – “When I Was Miss Dow” (sf) (body swapping)
- Schwartz, Susan and Martin H. Greenberg – Sisters in Fantasy
1&2 - Scortia, Thomas – Strange Bedfellows
- Carlson, W. – “Dinner at Helen’s”
- Soles, Caro and Sten Tal – Bizarre Dreams (gay dark fantasy)
- Soles, Caro – Meltdown
- (gay dark fantasy)
- Tan, Cecilia, ed.
- Feline Fetishes (bestiality)
- Forged Bonds (b/d, slavery, elves)
- SexMagick (six stories of sex magic)
- TechnoSex (robots/VR) – forthcoming
- Worlds of Women (erotic sf by women) – forthcoming
- (catalog available on-line from Circlet Press –
- Torgeson, Ray – Chrysalis 1
- Lynn, Elizabeth – “The Man Who was Pregnant”
- Yolen, Jane, ed. – Xanadu (several queer-positive stories)
Fantasy & SF:
- Writer: Arthur H. Singer, story by Gene Roddenberry (Star
Trek): -
- “Turnabout Intruder” (episode – Kirk gender change)
- Adams, Richard (F)
- Maia (bisexual women portrayed positively; decadent, extremely
sexual society) - Watership Down
- Maia (bisexual women portrayed positively; decadent, extremely
- Adams, Robert (F)
- Horseclans series (some readers consider these homophobic –
bad guys are mostly gay (as are some good guys) –
2 polygamous cultures (one with men with multiple
wives, other women with multiple husbands – excellent
hack & slash, sword & sorcery books)
- Horseclans series (some readers consider these homophobic –
- Aldiss, Brian (SF)
- Helliconia Trilogy (sex with subhumans, living phallus?)
- The Male Response (novella)
- The Hand-Reared Boy (F) (masturbation)
- Allan, Margaret (pseudonym for W.T. Quick) (a nice guy
- The Mammoth Stone
- Keeper of the Stone (casual male/male scenes, cult of masturbation)
- The Last Mammoth (stretched sexual frontiers)
- Alli, Antero (F)
- The Akashic Record Player (planetary entity narrates
Herstory about how She arranges meetings between
uncertain humans at certain sites to perform
Earth Rites for future myths)
- The Akashic Record Player (planetary entity narrates
- Amerika, Mark (F)
- The Kafka Chronicles (male prostitution, orgies, erotic cannibalism)
- Sexual Blood (s/m, rape, hyperhetero mindfuck (whatever that means)
- Anderson, Poul
- Eutopia (short story)
- The King of Ys series (with Karen Anderson) (Roman myth and magic)
- (gay character, homophobic?)
Roma Mater
- Andros, Phil
- Below the Belt % Other Stories
- The Boys in Blue
- Different Strokes: Stories
- Roman Conquests
- Stud: A Novel
- Anthony, Piers (SF/F)
- Apprentince Adept series (Brown Adept is a lesbian; there are cross
species love affairs; the alien adept is trying to figure out what sex
he/she is, and in “Unicorn Point”, there is a sexual game that ends in a
rape)- Split Infinity
- Blue Adept
- Juxtaposition (more in series, but I only liked the
first trilogy)
- Bio of a Space Tyrant (five book series – mainly straight, but
moves in a liberalized world)- Vol 1 – Refugee
- Vol 2 – Mercenary
- Vol 3 – Politican
- Vol 4 – Executive
- Vol 5 – Statesman
- Trilogy: (threesome)
- Omnivore
- Orn
- Ox
- Pornucopia (bisexual (sorta) male protagonist, good for a laugh)
- Chthon (one reader describes these two as ‘worse than Gor’)
- Pthor
- If I Pay Thee Not in Gold (by Anthony and Lackey) (has a succubus who
changes from male to female after each sexual encounter) - also, many of the Xanth (F) novels deal with sexuality and
relationships to one extent or another
- Apprentince Adept series (Brown Adept is a lesbian; there are cross
- Arden, Robert (SF/Crime)
- Desire (sm, vr, group)
- Arnason, Eleanor (SF)
- Ring of Swords (gay main character in love with a furry alien from
a sexually-dimorphic world where heterosexuality is
taboo; a witty and intelligent book)
- Ring of Swords (gay main character in love with a furry alien from
- Aro, Hiroshi
- Futaba-kin Change (Japanese manga about a boy who switches gender
whenever he gets excited; his whole family does it)
- Futaba-kin Change (Japanese manga about a boy who switches gender
- Ash, Constance
- “Flower Kiss” – _Realms of Fantasy_, August 1998 (FGM in Wst
Africa, within an African Cinderella frame. There is no
Prince Charming to rescue her.) - “The Leopard’s Garden” – _Not of Woman Born: Reproductive Future_
(post-cataclysmic future, in which the need for ‘Mother
Africa’ by the males of the so-called developed world
clash with the strategies of the African female clone
groups who are replanting the mother continent).
- “Flower Kiss” – _Realms of Fantasy_, August 1998 (FGM in Wst
- Asimov, Isaac (SF) (classic)
- The Gods Themselves (three-gendered aliens)
- “Playboy and the Slime Gods”, appeared in _Playboy_ (human/alien sex)
- Asprin, Robert (F)
- Thieves’ World series, ed.
- Myth series (very funny)
- Myth-ing Persons
- Myth-nomers and Im-pervections
- M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link
- Myth Directions
- Myth Conceptions
- Little Myth Marker
- Hit or Myth
- Another Fine Myth
- Atwood, Margaret (SF) (good)
- The Handmaid’s Tale (also made into a reasonably good movie,
although they change the ending)
- The Handmaid’s Tale (also made into a reasonably good movie,
- Bailey, Robin Wayne
- Shadowdance (bi protagonist)
- Brothers of the Dragon trilogy (gay brother)
- Baird, Wilhelmina (SF)
- CrashCourse (cyberpunk) (1 gay, 1 bi protagonist)
- ClipJoint
- PsyKosis
- Baker, Sharon: (boy prostitute) (SF/F)
- Quarreling, They Met the Dragon
- Journey to Membliar
- The Burning Tears of Sassurum
- Ballard, J.G.
- Crash! (eroticism of media violence; gay, bi characters)
- Concrete Island (eroticism and violence)
- The Atrocity Exhibition (media/violence/techno-fetishes)
- Banks, Iain
- Culture series: (bisexuality is most common mode; genetically
engineered society where sex-changing is a relatively
easy process; protagonists are relatively straight)- Consider Phlebas
- The Player of Games
- The Use of Weapons
- A Gift from the
Culture(SF, short story collection) - novella – “The State of the Art”
- The Wasp Factory (SF/F/H) (lots of weird sexuality)
- Against a Dark Background (SF, nonCulture, reference to
lesbian affair of the protagonist – not his best)
- Culture series: (bisexuality is most common mode; genetically
- Barker, Clive (came out as
gay in Advocate) (H) -
- Weaveworld (bi characters)
- Imajaica (oddly-gendered major character)
- The Great and Secret Show (bi and gay characters)
- Everville (bi and gay characters)
- “In the hills, the cities” (gay male protagonists)
- Sacrament (gay protagonist; present day Earth with paranormal events)
- Coldheart Canyon (bisexual male protagonist)
- Barnes, Steven (SF)
- Gorgon Child (hermaphrodites?)
- Streetlethal
- Barr, Donald (SF)
- Space Relations (S/M, slavery – very funny)
review) - A Planet in Arms
- Space Relations (S/M, slavery – very funny)
- Barrus, Tim
- Genocide (short story collection)
- Barton, William (SF)
- Yellow Matter (gay novella)
- Alpha Centauri (with Paul Capobianco) (hermaphrodite main
character; gay couple; sex and sexual transgressions form
a major part of the plot)
- Bass, T.J. (SF)
- Half Past Human
- Baudino, Gael (F) (good new author – one of our own, I think)
- Dragon Trilogy (men changed into women – some become lesbians,
some don’t, some suicide)
Duel of Dragons
Dragon Death - Gossamer Axe (bisexual woman searching for bisexual lover)
- Strands of Starlight (bisexual characters in this series)
- Maze of Moonlight (outstanding coming out scene)
- Shroud of Shadow (depressing as hell)
- Strands of Sunlight (a nice conclusion to tetralogy)
- O Greenest Branch: Book 1 of Water
- Dragon Trilogy (men changed into women – some become lesbians,
- Bear, Greg (SF)
- The Forge of God
- The Anvil of Stars (bisexual protagonist, homosexuality)
- Beaumont, Charles
- “The Crooked Man” (in _Best of Beaumont_, male homosexuality; the
story concerns a young man who is in love with a woman,
which is forbidden — he and his girlfriend must meet
surreptitiously (she in male disguise) and their offense
is punishable by law, in addition being viewed as
perverted, wrong, wicked, antisocial, etc…)
- “The Crooked Man” (in _Best of Beaumont_, male homosexuality; the
- Beckett, Terri and Chris Power
- Tribute
(barbarian culture’s meeting with a more sophisticated
civilization in a world where bisexuality is the norm;
variations on love and the definition of family. The two
main characters, both male, have a magnificent romance)
- Tribute
- Benchley,
Chaz -
- Tower of the King’s Daughter (central male characters are gay)
- Feast of the King’s Shadow (ditto)
- de Berg, Jean (pseudonym for Catherine Robbe-Grillet)
- The Image (this one isn’t SF/F, but…the author is married to
Alain Robbe-Grillet, who writes baroque d/s fantasy)
- The Image (this one isn’t SF/F, but…the author is married to
- Berger, Thomas
- Regiment of Women (SF) (gender role swaping)
- Berman, Steve
- Trysts: A Triskaidecollection of Queer and Weird Stories (collection
of 13 short stories all featuring gay and lesbian characters and themes,
often with dark fantastical elements)
- Trysts: A Triskaidecollection of Queer and Weird Stories (collection
- Berthelot, Francis (SF) (gay writer)
- La Lune Nore d’Orion
- Le Rivage des Intouchables
- Bester, Alfred
- The Computer Connection (SF, homosexuality, cross-dressing –
- faster & funnier than most of his classic works)
- Bey, Hakim (F,SF)
- Crowstone (pedo)
- Bishop, Michael
- Unicorn Mountain (secondary character is gay PWA – the other
-characters- are very homophobic, but the author’s
portrayal of the gay man is positive)
- Unicorn Mountain (secondary character is gay PWA – the other
- Block, Francesca Lia (F) (Y)
- Ecstasia (male-male relationship)
- Primavera (ditto)
- Weetsie Bat (witches – 1st in series of 4) (one reader notes
that he detested it – irresponsible sexuality; another
recommends it highly, noting that sex is treated
realistically (fun, but with consequences). Obviously,
mileage varies; read them and decide for yourself) - Witch Baby
- Cherokee Bat and the Goat Guys
- Blumlein, Michael (H)
- X/Y (gender change) (odd book.)
- Bornstein, Kate and Caitlin Sullivan
- Nearly Roadkill (both protagonists have fluid genders in
- Nearly Roadkill (both protagonists have fluid genders in
- Bowen, Gary
- Diary of a Vampire (finalist for Bram Stoker Award; homoerotic
dark fantasy novel about a gay vampire who turns into
a woman for one scene, gay sex, some s/m) - Man Hungry (collection of erotic gay short stories, including sf/f/h)
- in Winter of the Soul
“The Haunting of Andrew Brigg”
“Blood Requiem”
- Diary of a Vampire (finalist for Bram Stoker Award; homoerotic
- Boyd, John (SF, satire)
- Sex and the High Command (males are made obsolete)
- The Rakehells of Heaven
- Five to Twelve (women put down male rebellion)
- The Pollinators of Eden (heroine has lesbian encounter with
mobile plant (in addition to having sex with most of
the male characters) - The Last Starship from Earth
- Bradbury, Ray (SF)
- I Sing the Body Electric (collection)
- “The Warm Wind and the Cold” (‘swishy gay boys’)
- I Sing the Body Electric (collection)
- Bradley, Marion Zimmer (SF/F) (bisexuality accepted, women’s
with many lesbians, oppressions of women) -
- Darkover series
- Thendara House
- The Forbidden Tower (poly relationships)
- The World Wreckers
- The Heritage of Hastur
- etc….
- Lythande (cross-dressing lesbian protagonist – a character
originally made for _Thieves’ World_) - Mists of Avalon (Arthurian fantasy from the point of view of
three women – quite good) - Warrior Woman (very bad!) (F) (numerous lesbian characters)
- Ruins of Isis (SF) (numerous lesbian characters)
- Survey Ship (SF) (gay, interracial, teen)
- The Catch Trap (two male trapeze artists in love)
- Darkover series
- Brass, Perry (SF)
- Mirage (gay protagonists)
- Sex Charge (gay poetry, non-sf)
- Brennert, Alan (SF)
- “The Third Sex” (Pulphouse 3; Year’s Best SF 7) (Increasing
numbers of people are being born neither male nor
female but generally able to pass as either; motss
sex; 3-way relationship)
- “The Third Sex” (Pulphouse 3; Year’s Best SF 7) (Increasing
- Brin, David (SF) (good author)
- Glory Season (females can clone with male ‘spark’; societal power
with families of cloned women; homosexuality normal;
heterosexuality seasonal and polarized – women in winter,
men in summer) - The Uplift War (chimps, dolphins uplifted to human intelligence.
Simian sexuality, alien sexuality, alien morphs into
human-like female form and marries human)
- Glory Season (females can clone with male ‘spark’; societal power
- Brite, Poppy Z. (F)
- Lost Souls (vampire book with elements of bisexuality)
- Drawing Blood (haunted house novel with gay protagonists)
- Love in Vein (short story vampire anth, multiple sexualities)
- Broderick, Damien (SF)
- The Judas Mandala (lesbian feminist poet protagonist)
(Pocket Books, 1982, out of print) - The White Abacus (forthcoming)
- The Judas Mandala (lesbian feminist poet protagonist)
- Brown, Fredric (SF)
- “All Good Bems” (from Space on my Hands collection) (quintsexual
aliens interacting with humans)
- “All Good Bems” (from Space on my Hands collection) (quintsexual
- Brunner, John
- Stand on Zanzibar (SF, “Homosexuality tolerated, ambivalence
- taken for granted” in ‘developed’ countries – classic,
- longish, standard JB)
- Brust, Steven
- Vlad Taltos books: (cross-species relationships)
Yendi (suggestion of bisexuality)
Agyar (bisexual woman) - Cowboy Feng’s Space Bar & Grills (“Hags disease”, implied to be
- Vlad Taltos books: (cross-species relationships)
- Bujold, Lois McMaster (SF) (space opera with great
characterization!) -
- Falling Free
- Shards of Honor
- Barrayar
- Cordelia’s Honor
- Miles Vorkosigan series (hermaphrodite character)
The Warrior’s Apprentice
The Vor Game
Ethan of Athos (gay protagonist from a planet of men)
Brothers in Arms
Borders of Infinity (three novellas)
Mirror Dance (mm hermaphrodite attraction, homosexual
A Civil Campaign (sympathetic female-to-male transsexual) - The Spirit Ring (F)
- Bull, Emma (excellent author – recommended)
- War for the Oaks (F)
- Bone Dance (neuter protagonist)
- Falcon
- Finder (based on the excellent Borderlands series edited by
Terri Windling – Borderland, Bordertown, Life on the
- Burgess, Anthony
- The Wanting Seed (homosexuality the norm)
- Burka, Lauren P. (SF/F)
- Mate: And More Stories from the Erotic Edge of SF/Fantasy
(b/d, s/m – available on-line from Circlet Press)
- Mate: And More Stories from the Erotic Edge of SF/Fantasy
- Burroughs, William S.
- The Naked Lunch
- Queer
- The Wild Boys (gay male utopia)
- Busby, F.M.
- Star Rebel
- Rebel’s Quest
- The Alien Debt
- Rebel’s Seed
- Zelda M’Tana
- Breeds of Man
- Rissa Kerguelen (sometimes published as one volume,
sometimes as two, sometimes as three: Young Rissa,
Rissa and Tregare, The Long View)
- Butler, Octavia (SF) (recent recipient of a MacArthur “genius”
award!) -
- Trilogy (aliens transform our race – very good)
Adulthood Rites
Imago - “Bloodchild” in _Asimov’s_ (man impregnated by alien) (also
appeared in Terry Carr’s Best Science Fiction of the Year
1985) - Patternmaster (recently reissued in paperback)
- Mind of My Mind
- Survivor
- Wild Seed
- Kindred
- Trilogy (aliens transform our race – very good)
- Cadigan, Pat (SF)
- “Pretty Boy Crossover” (somewhere in Asimov’s) (also appeared in
1987 Annual World’s Best SF – Wolheim, ed.) - Mindplayers (homosexual and much more; odd)
- Synners (same-sex, more)
- “Love Toys of the Gods” (sex w/aliens – hilarious!) – in the
Dozois 11th annual collection
- “Pretty Boy Crossover” (somewhere in Asimov’s) (also appeared in
- Calder, Richard
- Dead Girls (*weird* sexuality)
- “Mosquito” (SF) (gay male prostitute who works as an imitation
female robotic sex doll), _Interzone 32)
- Califia, Pat (SF) (lesbians +; pretty intense)
- Doc & Fluff
- Macho Sluts (collection)
- Callenbach, Ernest (SF)
- Ecotopia (different forms of intentional and present-time relating)
- Card, Orson Scott (SF)
- Eye for Eye
- The Folk of the Fringe
- Hart’s Hope (F) (rape)
- Lost Boys (child molester)
- Saints
- Songmaster (homosexual, pederasty) (recommended)
- A Planet Called Treason (protagonist switches gender often)
- The Worthing Saga
- Wyrms (girl/beast)
- Ender series
- Ender’s Game (excellent)
- Speaker for the Dead (likewise)
- Xenocide (interesting, but weak ending, I thought)
- Children of the Mind
- The Tales of Alvin Maker
- Seventh Son
- Red Prophet
- Prentice Alvin
- Homecoming series
- The Memory of Earth
- The Call of Earth
- The Ships of Earth (gay secondary character)
- Maps in a Mirror: The Short Fiction of Orson Scott Card
- Campbell, Ramsey (H) (gay characters)
- The Face That Must Die
- Incarnate
- The Influence
- Ancient Images
- Silent Children
- Jacqueline Carey (F) – (bisexual female protagonist)
- Kushel’s Dart (gay characters; dictated by fate, family, and the
scarlet mote in her eye to serve aristocrats who desire a
partner for their rougher S&M fantasies…while at the
same time acting as a spy for her lord in his own
game…and that’s just the beginning…) - Kushiel’s Chosen
- Kushiel’s Avatar
- Kushel’s Dart (gay characters; dictated by fate, family, and the
- Carter, Angela (often shelved with mainstream fiction)
- Nights at the Circus (many books w/bisexual/lesbian female
protagonists or subplots - The Passion of New Eve (features a man who is changed into a
- Nights at the Circus (many books w/bisexual/lesbian female
- Carter, Lin (F)
- Tara of the Twilight
- Cashorali, Peter (F)
- Fairy Tales: Traditional Tales Retold for Gay Men (16 modernised,
queer-themed folktales) - Gay Fairy & Folk Tales: More Traditional Stories Retold for
Gay Men
- Fairy Tales: Traditional Tales Retold for Gay Men (16 modernised,
- Chalker, Jack L. (gender-changing)
- Changewinds series: (SF/F)
- When the Changewinds Blow (lesbian protagonist)
- Riders of the Winds
- War of the Maelstrom
- Soul Rider series: (SF/F)
- Spirits of Flux and Anchor
- Empires of Flux and Anchor
- Masters of Flux and Anchor
- The Birth of Flux and Anchor
- Children of Flux and Anchor
- River of the Dancing Gods series (F)
- Horrors of the Dancing Gods (positive transgender, more)
- Rings of the Master series (SF)
- Four Lord of the Diamonds series (one planet had denizens able
to switch bodies with anyone in close proximity overnight) - The Identity Matrix (gender change)
- Downtiming the Night Side (multiple gender/persona change)
- Well of Souls series
- Changewinds series: (SF/F)
- Chalker, Jack L.; Resnick, Mike; Effinger, George E.
- Red Tape War (SF) (satire, bodyswapping)
- Chandler, A. Bertram (SF)
- Spartan Plan (all-male colony world with a retrofitted history
to make the inhabitants think they are the original
Spartans – then a mixed-gender ship comes along…) - The Inheritors (cats/Dr. Moreau/underpeople story)
- Spartan Plan (all-male colony world with a retrofitted history
- Charnas, Suzy McKee (F)
- Motherlines (tribe of lesbian horsewomen face off the patriarchy)
- Walk to the End of the World
- The Furies
- (concluding volume of tetralogy in process)
- “Beauty and the Opera, or the Phantom Beast” (forthcoming in Asimov’s)
- Cherryh,
C.J. (SF) (recommended) -
- Cyteen trilogy (only a trilogy in US paperback edition)
(bisexual characters – political handicap) - Russian folklore series
- Rusalka
- Chernevog
- Yvgenie
- Musings on the alien series
- Foreigner (I very much enjoyed this — the only author I
know who writes such alien aliens is O. Butler) - Invader
- Inheritor
- Precursor (protagonist begins a relationship with his female and very
alien bodyguard) - Defender
- Explorer
- Foreigner (I very much enjoyed this — the only author I
- Chanur series (secondary species that has three sexes and whose
members can, when put under stress, spontaneously change
sex)- The Pride of Chanur (starts the series)
- Cyteen trilogy (only a trilogy in US paperback edition)
- Clarke, Arthur C. (SF) (classic, recommended)
- Imperial Earth (protagonist is bisexual man – bisexuality norm)
- Songs of Distant Earth
- 2010/2061
- Rendezvous with Rama (gay couple)
- Cradle (with Gentry Lee) (somewhat stereotypical gay couple)
- Clayton, Jo (SF/F) (recommended)
- Many series — protagonist in Skeen series is bisexual
- Changers’ Moon series (bisexual protagonist from all-female
martial temple setting)
- Cleve, James (multiple sexualities series)
- Cole, Alan and Chris Bunch
- The Far Kingdoms (protagonist has a lesbian sister)
- A Warrior’s Tale (lesbian is protagonist in this book)
- Comfort, Alex
- Tetrarch (land of polybi semi-immortals who are forever
- children-just-enough-past-puberty-to-have-sex)
- The Joy of Sex
- Constantine,
Storm (SF) -
- Thorn Boy (F) (gay male protagonist, some gay erotic content, set
in same world as Constantine’s “Sea Dragon heir” trilogy) - The Monstrous Regiment (struggle for sexual equality on a
planet slipping from a proto-feminist society to a matriarchal
dictatorship) - Wraeththu series: (humans mutating into hermaphrodites)
This series was recently published in a one volume
edition:- The Enchantments of Flesh and Spirit
- The Bewitchment of Love and Hate
- The Fulfillments of Fate and Desire
- The Wraiths of Will and Pleasure
- Hermetech (protagonist is bi female; bi males)
- Burying the Shadow (bisexuality the norm)
- The Grigori trilogy (bisexual fallen angels in contemp. England)
Stalking Tender Prey
Scenting Hallowed Blood
Stealing Sacred Fire (forthcoming November 1997)
- The Chronicles of Magravandias (same universe as Thorn Boy, with
- bisexual and gay characters, and elements of incest)
- Sea Dragon Heir
- The Crown of Silence
- The Way of Light
- Thorn Boy (F) (gay male protagonist, some gay erotic content, set
- Cooke, Catherine (F)
- The Winged Assassin (trilogy with gay male protagonist)
- Realm of the Gods
- The Crimson Goddess
- Cooke, John Peyton (F) -
- The Lake (gay teen major character)
- Out for Blood (gay vampire novel – all characters gay or bi)
- Torsos (suspense novel with gay main characters)
- The Chimney Sweeper (suspense novel with gay main character/narrator)
- Cooper, Edmund (SF)
- Seahorse in the Sky (minor gay character)
- Gender Genocide (women hunting men; lesbianism is the norm)
- The Tenth Planet (man wakes far in the future, in a time when
violence is unusual, jealousy is forbidden and sex is
free. He doesn’t react well.)
- Cox, Joan (SF)
- Mind Song (pub 1979 & long OOP; male-male attraction)
- Star Web (1980, ditto; bi-threesome of protag. with twin sister
and brother)
- Dean, Pamela (F)
- Tam Lin (retelling of Tam Lin ballad, recommended)
- The Dubious Hills
- Dedman, Stephen
- “Desired Dragons” (SF; Bisexual female protagonist), Alien Shores
- “Tourist Trade” (SF; Bisexual male protagonist, Earth as
alternative sexuality ghetto), Science Fiction Age, 9/96 - “The Pretender” (F; Arthurian legend retold with gay Arthur and
Galahad), Realms of Fantasy, 2/97, Mammoth Book of
Arthurian Legend - “The War, On Drugs” (SF; lesbian enclave in war zone), Aurealis #19
- “Transit” (SF; majority of humans hermaphroditic; teen romance
between ‘maf’ and Muslim girl) Asimov’s SF, 3/98
- Delany, Samuel (highly recommended)
- Babel-17 (SF) (poly relationship)
- The Ballad of Beta 2
- Dhalgren (SF) (explicit bisexual scenes, alternative
lifestyles, gay leatherman, s/m, difficult book) - Distant Stars (anthology)
- Driftglass
- The Einstein Intersection
- Empire Star
- The Fall of the Towers Trilogy
- Out of the Dead City
- City of a Thousand Suns
- The Towers of Toron
- Hogg (F) (s/m, rape, wilding, gay, not for the faint of heart)
- The Jewels of Aptor
- Neveryona series: (F) (gay man; leathersex; lesbian)
- Tales of Neveryon
- Neveryona
- Flight from Neveryon
- Return to Neveryon
- The Bridge of Lost Desire
- Nova
- Stars in my Pocket Like Grains of Sand (SF) (galactic gay love
story; includes a gay bathhouse scene where the main
character makes it with the native (insect-like)
intelligence on his home planet) - Triton (SF) (gay characters)
- They Fly at Ciron (F)
- Equinox (aka Tides of Lust) (F) (everybody doing everybody)
- “The Star Pit” – in SF-12
- “Time Considered as a Helix of Semi-Precious Stones” (highly rec!)
- The Motion of Light in Water (autobiography)
- Heavenly Breakfast (autobiography)
- The American Shore (nonfiction)
- Starboard Wine (nonfiction)
- Devenport, Emily (SF)
- Scorpianne (protagonist is VR prostitute)
- Shade (protagonist is female sexually active street kid;
who matures to exceptional adult) - Larissa (ditto)
- Diaman, N.A. (F)
- Private Nation (gay, future-fantasy romantic adventure novel)
- Castro Street Memories (this and the following are non-sf)
- Ed Dean is Queer
- Reunion
- Second Crossing
- Disch, Tom
- 334 (sex in pre-pubescents; strange sex roles)
- On Wings of Song
- + some short stories
- Dorsey, Candace Jane
- Black Wine (Tor ’97) (Tiptree Award winner)
- Douglas, L. Warren (SF)
- Bright Islands in a Dark Sea (negative image of homosexual
- Bright Islands in a Dark Sea (negative image of homosexual
- Drake, David & S.M. Stirling
- The General series: (3 major characters in a family)
The Forge
The Hammer
The Anvil (forthcoming)
The Steel (forthcoming)
- The General series: (3 major characters in a family)
- Dreher, Sarah
- Duane, Diane
- (F) (bisexuality is the norm; positive; good writer)
- Door into Fire
- Door into Shadow
- Door into Sunset
- Door into Starlight
- Wizardry series (juvenile, gay male couple – highly recommended)
- So You Want to Be a Wizard
- Deep Wizardry
- High Wizardry
- A Wizard Abroad
- The Book of Night with Moon (cat protagonists)
- The Wounded Sky (Star Trek)
- My Enemy, My Ally (Star Trek)
- Duffy, Stella
- Singling Out the Couples (Sceptre, 98) (subversive fairy tale)
- Eddings, David (F)
- Belgariad series (five books – I’d list ’em, but they’re all
the same….IMO) - Mallorean series (ditto)
- Elenium series (ditto, incomplete)
- The Diamond Throne (and others in the series)
(pederast nobleman)
- The Diamond Throne (and others in the series)
- Tamuli series (ditto)
- Belgariad series (five books – I’d list ’em, but they’re all
- Effinger, Alec (SF) (prostitutes, sex changes, 8 known sexes)
- When Gravity Fails
- A Fire in the Sun
- The Exile Kiss
- Egan, Greg (SF)
- Distress (deals peripherally with bio-engineered ‘gender migrants’
– voluntary asexuality)
- Distress (deals peripherally with bio-engineered ‘gender migrants’
- Elgin, Suzette Haden (SF) (dystopia where all women are
slaves) -
- Native Tongue
- Judas Rose
- Earthsong
- Elliot, Jeffrey
- Elliot, Sumner Locke (SF) (gay author)
- The Man Who Got Away (time-travel, very positive homosexuality)
- Emery, Clayton
- Card Master (lesbian main character)
- Emshwiller, Peter R. (SF)
- The Host (bodyswapping)
- Short Blade (bodyswapping, lesbian)
- Engh, M.J. (SF) (recommended)
- Rainbow Man (switched sex roles)
- Arislan (SF, villain/anti-hero, a military leader who just
conquered the world and decided to set up headquarters in the small town,
is more or less bisexual and kept a boy/young man from the town as a sex
slave/servant. The young man himself seems to more or less straight, but
it’s all very vague)
- Esser, Kevin (SF)
- Dance of the Warriors (pedo)
- Evenblij, Paul and Paul Harland
- Systems of Romance (anthology, mostly translated from Dutch,
gay and other queer themes)
- Systems of Romance (anthology, mostly translated from Dutch,
- Fancher, Jane S. (trilogy with bisexual male protagonists)
- Groundties
- Uplink
- Harmonies ofthe Net
- Farmer, Philip Jose (bisexual vampires)
- Image of the Beast
- Blown
- Riverworld series, esp.
The Dark Design (lesbian protagonist) - A Feast Unknown
- Lord of the Trees/The Mad Goblin
- The Lovers
- Strange Relations
- Venus on the Half Shell by Kilgore Trout
- Dare
- Flesh (uncensored versin in French: Une Bourree Pastorale)
- Traitor to the Living (bodyswapping)
- Dark is the Sun (many sexualities)
- “Open to me, my sister”
- Feintuch, David (F)
- The Still (a teenage prince who must remain a virgin has gay sex
with his bisexual friend; well-written coming-of-age
- The Still (a teenage prince who must remain a virgin has gay sex
- Finch, Sheila
- Infinity’s Web
- Fletcher, Jane (SF)
- The World Celaeno Chose (sf lesbian romance; women-only world, but
not a utopia; tyrannical religious sisterhood)
- The World Celaeno Chose (sf lesbian romance; women-only world, but
- Flewelling, Lynn
(F) (recommended) -
- Luck in the Shadows (bi protag, Kinsey 1)
- Stalking Darkness (ditto, (very slowly developing romance between the
two maleprotagonists)) - Traitor Moon (open relationship between them)
- Tamir Trilogy (trilogy deals quite heavily with sexual identity:
protagonist is born female, but magicians disguised her as male due to
political reasons; she herself didn’t know her real sex throughout much
of the series): - The Bone Doll’s Twin
- Hidden Warrior
- The Oracle’s Queen
- Tamir Trilogy (trilogy deals quite heavily with sexual identity:
- short story, “Raven’s Cut”, in _Assasin Fantastic_ anthology
- Foglio, Phil
- XXXenophile (adult comic book)
- Forrest, Katherine
- Dreams & Swords
- Daughters of the Coral Dawn
- Foster, Alan Dean – Star Trek Log Ten (SF)
- (Second half of the novel is the alterantive sexualities part:
Kirk, Spock, Sulu and Uhura are involved in a
transporter accident and minds and bodies are switched
– not so serious; very funny!
- (Second half of the novel is the alterantive sexualities part:
- Foster, M.A. (SF)
- The Morphodite (body shifting)
- The Ler novels (highly structured polyamory)
- The Gameplayers of Zan
- Warriors of Dawn
- The Day of the Klesh
- Fox, Astrid (F)
- Rika’s Jewel (a group of female Viking warriors — Ingrid’s crew
— have set sail to fight the Saxons in Britain, and
Ingrid’s young lover, Rika, is determined to follow
them… Xenaesque historical fantasy full of sex, blood,
magic and explicit lesbian prose)
- Rika’s Jewel (a group of female Viking warriors — Ingrid’s crew
- Fox, Brandon
(F) -
- Apprenticed to Pleasure (gay erotic sword and sorcery fantasy)
- Conjuring the Flesh (gung-ho gay; direct sequel to previous.
Set in alternate late medireview period; evil sorcerers
serve a tyrant and use magic pased on pain; good mages
whose magic is based on pleasure. Strong emotional
involvement between the two protagonists.) - Sex Rites (concludes trilogy)
- Franklin, Patrick
- The Uncertainty of Strangers
- Sea Gift (short story)
- Frankowski, Leo (SF)
- Cross-Time Engineer (+ 4 more books in the series – homophobic
protagonist goes on and on about how het he is, and
sets up a sort of sexual utopia where he gets to have
sex with almost any woman he wants)
- Cross-Time Engineer (+ 4 more books in the series – homophobic
- Freireich, Valerie
- Becoming Human (bi protagonist) (recommended)
- Frontain, K.M.
- The Gryphon Taint: Volumes One, Two, and Three (mmf sex scene in
Volume Three) - Bound in Stone: Volumes One, Two, and Three (gay relationships, gay
prostitution, and a mysterious collapse into pedophilia resulting in the
murder of the pedophile in Volume One. Gay relationships, BDSM Volume Two.
Bisexuality Volume Three)
- The Gryphon Taint: Volumes One, Two, and Three (mmf sex scene in
- Gannett, Lewis
- The Living One (F) (gay protagonist
- Magazine Beach (SF) (bisexual secondary characters)
- Gardner, James Alan (SF)
- Committment Hour (Annual sex changes for the children and
adolescents of a backwater village on a backwater earth of
the future. Hermaphrodites accepted in more advanced
culture nearby. All adolescents know how to please both
sexes, since they have been both male and female. Males
and females are sometimes taken over by their other-gender
“soul” while, among other things, enaging in sex. After a
childhood and adolesence of switching sexes, the young
adults of a future village must choose to be male, female,
or both (Hermaphrodite and driven from the community) for
the rest of their lives.) - Expendable, 1997
- Committment Hour (Annual sex changes for the children and
- Gearhart, Sally Miller
- The Wanderground
- Gentle, Mary
- Golden Witchbreed (SF) (children born asexual, without
genitalia, until they reach puberty; homosexuality accepted) - Ancient Light (SF) (same as above)
- Rats and Gargoyles (F)
- The Architecture of Desire (F)
- Scholars and Soldiers (F) (short fiction)
- Grunts (F pastiche) (interracial orc-elf leather SM dyke action)
- Golden Witchbreed (SF) (children born asexual, without
- Gerrold, David
- The Man Who Folded Himself (homosexuality theme, protagonist
has sex with himself) - War Against the Chtorr series (bisexuals, pederasty)
- Starsiders trilogy (teenage protagonist has a mother with a female
partner, and a gay brother; treatment is age-appropriate and
matter-of-fact — at the end, the brother and his boyfriend are planning
to marry)- Jumping Off the Planet
- Bouncing Off the Moon
- Leaping to the Stars
- The Man Who Folded Himself (homosexuality theme, protagonist
- Gibson, William (SF) (cyberpunk)
- Sprawl trilogy
Count Zero
Mona Lisa Overdrive - The Difference Engine (with Bruce Sterling)
- Sprawl trilogy
- Gilman, Carolyn Ives (SF)
- Halfway Human (asexual class of ‘blands’ existing to serve fellow
sexualised humans; explores different sexualities, gender
roles and slavery)
- Halfway Human (asexual class of ‘blands’ existing to serve fellow
- Gladney, Heather
- Teot’s War
- Blood Storm
- short stories in Pandora Magazine
- Glenn, Nancy Tyler (F)
- Clicking Stones
- Goldstein, Lisa (F) (highly recommended)
- Strange Devices of the Sun and Moon (excellent book, winner of
the American Book Award) (homosexual protagonist – Kit
Marlowe, and other mentions; historical fantasy, set in
Shakesperean times) - Tourists
- The Red Magician
- Walking the Labyrinth
- Strange Devices of the Sun and Moon (excellent book, winner of
- Gom, Leona
- The Y Chromosome (Second Story Press, 1990) (The males are
dying and no new ones are being born; humanity
continues with the discovery of ova-fusion.)
- The Y Chromosome (Second Story Press, 1990) (The males are
- Gomez, Jewelle
- The Gilda Chronicles
- Swords of the Rainbow (gay/les af anthology)
- Goodkind, Terry (F)
- Wizard’s First Rule (lesbian relationship, bisexual characters,
- positive, ditto for the rest in series)
- Stone of Tears
- Blood of the Fold
- Temple of the Winds
- Soul of the Fire
- Faith of the Fallen (forthcoming August 2000)
- Gravel, Geary (SF)
- Return of the Breakneck Boys (secondary character is a gay man
with AIDS)
- Return of the Breakneck Boys (secondary character is a gay man
- Grey, Elorin Leighton (F)
- The Charndras Book I: The Rising Dark, 2002
(Male homosexuality. Villain and his spy are rumoured to be in a
relationship (pedo references, because spy was 12 or 13 when entering the
villain’s services). Slightly homophobic society. Also it is hinted at a
future relationship between the hero and his best friend (elf).) - The Charndras Book II (coming soon)
- The Charndras Book I: The Rising Dark, 2002
- Griffith, Nicola (SF)
(lesbian author; highly recommended) -
- Ammonite (lesbian – won 1995 Lambda Literary Award and
the 1994 James Tiptree Jr. Award for best examination
of gender) - Slow River (won 1996 Nebula award)
- The Blue Place (lesbian mystery novel)
- Stay (sequel to The Blue Place)
- “Yaguara”, Asimov’s March 1995 – (lesbian erotic horror)
- ‘The Voyage South”, Red Thirst, ed. David Pringle, GW Books, 1990
- “Touching Fire”, Interzone #70, 1993
- “Song of Bullfrogs, Cry of Geese”, Interzone #48, 1991
- “Wearing My Skin”, Internzone #50, 1991
- “Mirrors and Burnstone”, Interzone, #25, 1990
- “Down the Path of the Sun”, Interzone #34, 1990
- “We Have Met the Alien”, Iron Women, Iron Press, 1990
- “The Other”, Ignorant Armies, ed. David Pringle, GW Books, 1989
- “An Other Winter’s Tale”, Network, vol. 3, 1986
- Bending the Landscape: Fantasy (co-editor with Stephen Pagel,
anthology of 22 queer-themed stories)
- Ammonite (lesbian – won 1995 Lambda Literary Award and
- Grimsley, Jim
- Kirith Kirin (F) (gay protagonists, gay lovestory, nicely written,
- spellbinding)
- Haldeman, Joe (SF)
- The Coming (major gay character; novel is gay-positive, though it
is set in a near future that is strongly homophobic) - The Forever War (starts out with heterosexuality the norm – as
time progresses, homosexuality becomes the norm. The
‘het hero’ is considered a pervert by the troops he
leads, who were born hundreds of years later) - Worlds
- Worlds Apart
- The Coming (major gay character; novel is gay-positive, though it
- Hambly, Barbara (cruel, insane gay character) (high fantasy)
- The Silent Tower
- The Silicon Mage
- Hamilton, Laurell K. (F)
- The Anita Blake series (s/m, leather, polyamory, necrophilia,
bestiality (with were-animals), homosexuality,
bisexuality, and pedophilia (portrayed negatively); page-turning,
sexy, and thoroughly addictive — recommended)- Guilty Pleasures
- The Laughing Corpse
- Circus of the Damned
- The Lunatic Cafe
- Bloody Bones
- The Killing Dance
- Burnt Offerings
- Blue Moon
- Obsidian Butterfly
- Narcissus in Chains
- The Meredith Gentry series (more of the same, but more sex and
fairies)- A Kiss of Shadows
- A Caress of Twilight
- The Anita Blake series (s/m, leather, polyamory, necrophilia,
- Hand, Elizabeth (SF)
- Winterlong (quite good)
- Glimmering (gay male protagonist in millenial tale of the end of
the world)
- Hansen, Karl.
- “Dreams Unwind.” _The Seventh Omni Book of Science
Fiction_. - “The Ballad of Lady Blue”, _Chrysalis 9_, Roy Torgeson, ed. (lots
of Hansen stories in this out-of-print series; most
bioengineering, various sexualities, some pedophilia which
mostly (but not all) involves genetically engineered
“pedimorphs”) - Dream Games (SF) (pedophilia, incest, body reshaping to
animals — reviewer’s note: ‘one of the only books
I have ever thrown into the rubbish. I have small
children, and the sexual predation is too disturbing
to me. Not a very good read, even without the things
that offended me.’)
- “Dreams Unwind.” _The Seventh Omni Book of Science
- Harper, Tara K.
- (website contains bio, biblio, essays, writiing-related articles, etc.)
- Lightwing (SF) (aliens and human-mutants with alternative
sexualities, eg. the Ruvians, a human-mutant species with
five sexual orientations) - Wolfwalker series (Tale of the Wolves) (same universe as Lightwing)
- Wolfwalker
- Shadow Leader
- Storm Runner
- Wolf’s Bane
- Grayheart
- CatScratch series (same universe as Lightwing)
- Cat Scratch Fever (nominated for the Oregon Book Awards)
- Cataract
- Lightwing (SF) (aliens and human-mutants with alternative
- Harrison, Harry (SF)
- Star Smashers of the Galaxy Rangers
“Final Encounter” (character from an exclusively male society)
- Star Smashers of the Galaxy Rangers
- Havocs, James (F)
- Satanskin (s/m, sex magick, etc.)
- Heinlein, Robert A. (SF) (far too many to list all titles here –
46+) -
- I Will Fear No Evil (male becomes bisexual female)
- Stranger in a Strange Land (bisexual male protagonist – don’t
argue with me on this one – take it to r.a.sf.written) - Number of the Beast (references to homosexuality)
- The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (clan marriages; line marriages)
- Time Enough for Love (bisexual incest, in an odd kind of way)
- Friday (bisexual female protagonist; open polyamorous society)
- The Cat Who Walks Through Walls (homosexual encounter)
- To Sail Beyond the Sunset
- Herbert Frank (SF)
- Dune (intimations of a homosexual incident with the Baron)
- Dune Messiah
- Children of Dune
- God Emperor of Dune (lesbians in the army?)
- Chapter House dune
- The White Plague (most women die of plague, polyandry becomes norm)
- Whipping Star (sadism)
- Hickman,
Tracy -
- The Immortals (SF) (gay protagonists in near future, disease-torn
world) - (see also Weis/Hickman)
- The Immortals (SF) (gay protagonists in near future, disease-torn
- Hobb, Robin
- The Farseer Trilogy (trilogy)
- The Liveship Traders (trilogy) (transvestite, homosexuality)
- The Tawny Man (trilogy) (homosexuality)
- Holland, Cecelia
- Floating Worlds (bi heroine) (SF)
- Jerusalem (the rest are historical fiction, gay protagonists)
- Hammer of God
- City of Princes
- The Antichrist
- Hoyt, Sarah (F)
- Ill Met by Moonlight (a young Will Shakespeare tangles with the elf
kingdom. A main character, Quicksilver the elf, can appear either as man
or woman, and the female persona inspires Shakepeare’s Dark Lady
love sonnets) - All Night Awake (sequel)
- Ill Met by Moonlight (a young Will Shakespeare tangles with the elf
- Hughart, Barry (F)
- The Bridge of Birds (excellent novel)
- The Story of the Stone
- Eight Skilled Gentlemen
- Huff, Tanya (F) (lots of poly stuff throughout; poly and queer
as normal preferences in life for the most part) -
- Fire’s Stone (homosexuality)
- Blood Price (bi male vampire)
- Blood Trail (as above, bestiality (sort of))
- Blood Lines
- Blood Pact
- Child of the Grove
- The Last Wizard
- Gate of Darkness, Circle of Light
- Sing the Four Quarters
- Fifth Quarter
- No Quarter
- Keeper Chronicles: (female protagonist’s younger sister is
- lesbian/questioning; third book follows her POV; present-day Earth,
- supernatural events)
- Summon the Keeper
- The Second Summoning
- Long Hot Summoning
- Valor’s Choice (far future, military setting)
- Better Part of Valor
- Huxley, Aldous (SF)
- Brave New World (promiscuity compulsory, group sex has replaced
communion, and children are encouraged by teachers to engage in sexual
play with each other — note: this is meant to be a dystopia)
- Brave New World (promiscuity compulsory, group sex has replaced
- Ings, Simon (recommended) (may be difficult to find in US)
- City of the Iron Fish (F) (bi narrator, gay characters)
- Hot Head (SF)
- Hot Wire (SF)
- Janifer, Laurence M. (SF)
- Bloodworld (protagonist from an exclusively S/M society;
has problems getting along with ‘straight’ culture)
- Bloodworld (protagonist from an exclusively S/M society;
- Jennings, Gary
- Raptor (hermaphrodite protagonist)
- Aztec (lesbian and bisexual scenes)
- Jeter, K.W.
- Dr. Adder (starts off with bestiality, amputees and extreme
surgical modifications, then starts getting strange…)
- Dr. Adder (starts off with bestiality, amputees and extreme
- Joblokov, Alexander (SF)
- Nimbus (female who alters appearance and preferences to become
a serial multiple personality)
- Nimbus (female who alters appearance and preferences to become
- Johnson, Toby
- Secret Matter (homosexuality in aliens) (won Lambda Literary Award)
- Jones, Gwyneth
- Divine Endurance (South East Asia far distant
future, homosexual society, love between female
revolutionary and living -doll gynoid) - Flowerdust
- White Queen, (co-winner of first Tiptree Award) (Earth
invaded and under rule of ambi-sexual aliens called
Aleutians, intrasexes, same sex lovers, all kinds of
strange goings on) - North Wind
- Phoenix Cafe
- Divine Endurance (South East Asia far distant
- Jordan, Robert (F) (warning — I ended up throwing the 7th book
against the wall, ’cause I got so frustrated with this series; poly
situations, strong S/M undertones) -
- Eye of the World
- Great Hunt
- Dragon Reborn
- Shadow Rising
- Fires of Heaven
- Lord of Chaos (and still going…)
- Kadrey, Richard
- Metrophage (three-way and other alternative stuff)
- “Genocide” – appeared in Semiotexte SF (alternative porn)
- “The Kill Fix” – appeared in Asimov’s (three-way)
- Kasting, Peter
- Journey of a Thousand Miles (near-future sf, very sympathetic gay
protagonist, plot involves a commune based on Rawls’ “A
Theory of Justice”)
- Journey of a Thousand Miles (near-future sf, very sympathetic gay
- Kay, Guy Gavriel (F) (excellent author – one of my favorites)
- The Fionavar Tapestry:
- The Summer Tree
- The Wandering Fire
- The Darkest Road
- Tigana (effeminate gay character, incest, S/M)
- A Song for Arbonne
- The Lions of Al-Rassan
- The Fionavar Tapestry:
- Keegan, Mel
- Death’s Head (gay men)
- Equinox (gay)
- Fortunes of War
- Ice Wind and Fire
- Kermode,
Jennie -
- The Orpheus Industry (SF) (bisexuality, a gay male relationship, a
lesbian relationship (not explicit), mild sadomasochism and a degree of
polyamory (not without its problems))
- The Orpheus Industry (SF) (bisexuality, a gay male relationship, a
- Kerr, Katherine (some titles change across the ocean)
- Daggerspell
- Darkspell
- Dawnspell
- Dragonspell
- A Time of Exile
- A Time of Omens
- A Time of War – Days of Blood and Fire
- A Time of Justice – Days of Air and Darkness
- Kerr, Peg (F)
- The Wild Swans (gay male protagonists)
The Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale of the same name,
retold two ways in alternating chapters: with a
heterosexual couple during 17th century witchcraft
trials, and with a gay male couple in 1980s, at the
beginning of the AIDS epidemic.
- The Wild Swans (gay male protagonists)
- Kingsbury, Daniel (SF)
- Courtship Rite (mating rituals of marooned humans) (aka Geta in
- Courtship Rite (mating rituals of marooned humans) (aka Geta in
- Koja, Kathe
- “Skin Deep” – Dozois 7th annual collection (sex w/alien)
- Skin (quasi-mainstream novel, which explores 90s fringe/fetish
culture, performance art, and various perversitites) - Kink: A Novel (FFM threesome in erotic horror)
- Kornbluth, C.M. and Fred Pohl (SF)
- Search the Sky (brief sketch for female supremacist society)
- Kress, Nancy (SF)
- An Alien Light (bi alien woman warrior)
- Maximum Light (near future SF; deals with the effects of endocrine
disrupters on fertility; gay male as one of three
viewpoint characters)
- Kube-McDowell, Michael (SF)
- The Quiet Pools (polyamory; plot involves contract and poly
marriages; lines, troikas, etc. also includes
‘relationship technologist’, a profession based
originally on marriage counselling, but for poly and
contract unions; recommended) - Alterntities (social ramifications of generation ships)
- Empery (lesbian protagonist)
- The Quiet Pools (polyamory; plot involves contract and poly
- Kushner, Ellen (F) (recommended)
- Swordspoint (bisexual man and gay man)
- The Fall of the Kings (with Delia Sherman) (set in the same world as
Swordspoint but sixty years after the events thereof. Fantasy, homosexual
and bisexual characters, reccomended.) - Thomas the Rhymer (no bi or gay content, but a great book)
- “Lazarus” – Jessica Salmonson’s Heroic Visions II
- “The Swordsman Whose Name was Not Death” – Datlow/Windling 5th
annual collection
- Lackey, Mercedes (F) (popular fantasy)
- The Mage Wars (gay characters, bdsm, [prostitute] protag.)
- The Black Gryphon
- The White Gryphon
- The Silver Gryphon
- The Books of the Last Herald-Mage (gay protagonists)
- Magic’s Pawn
- Magic’s Promise
- Magic’s Price
- Vows and Honor (asexual protagonist)
- Oathbound
- Oathbreakers
- Kerowyn’s Tale
- By the Sword
- The Heralds of Valdemar (gay characters)
- Arrows of the Queen
- Arrow’s Flight
- Arrow’s Fall
- The Mage Winds (sort of prostitute characters)
- Winds of Fate
- Winds of Change
- Winds of Fury
- The Mage Storms
- Storm Warning
- Storm Rising
- Rediscovery (with Marion Z. Bradley, a Darkover novel)
- Knight of Ghosts & Shadows (with Ellen Guon) (polyfidel. triad)
- Summoned to Tourney (with Ellen Guon) (sequel to _Knight_)
- Diana Tregarde series: (pagan witch, gay characters, AIDS)
- Children of the Night
- Burning Water
- Jinx High
- Serrated Edge series:
- Born to Run (with Larry Dixon) (boy prostitute)
- Wheels of Fire (with Mark Shepherd)
- Chrome Circle (with Larry Dixon)
- When the Bough Breaks (Holly Lisle)
- The Mage Wars (gay characters, bdsm, [prostitute] protag.)
- Laidlaw, Marc (SF)
- Dad’s Nuke (gay protagonist)
- Landis, Geoffrey
(SF) -
- Mars Crossing (the first astronaut on Mars is a gay man)
- “Across the Darkness” (lesbian astronauts on the first
interstellar mission)
- Larson, Jeanne (F)
- Bronze Mirror (12c China, bisexual threesome)
- Lee, Sharon and Steve Miller (SF, all set in “Liaden”
universe; reader notes that the “female protagonist in “Conflict of
Honors” had a lesbian affair and remained good friend with the
lesbian ex afterwards, but ended up marrying a man. Despite that
little flaw, however, I still highly recommend this series.”) -
- Local Custom
- Scout’s Progress
- Conflict of Honors
- Agent of Change
- Carpe Diem
- Plan B
- I Dare
- Lee, Tanith
- Flat Earth series (everyone is bi):
Night’s Master
Death’s Master
Delusion’s Master
Delirium’s Mistress
Night’s Sorceries - Birthgrave trilogy (countries where homosexuality
- Stormlord is common)
- The Silver Metal Lover (android lover)
- Drinking Sapphire Wine (experimenting teens)
- “The Book of the Mad”, The Secret Books of Paradys III & IV
(bisexual protagonist, incest)
- Flat Earth series (everyone is bi):
- Le Guin, Ursula K. (SF) (highly recommended)
- The Left Hand of Darkness (neuter alien, except during mating, when
can be either sex; seminal work) - The Dispossessed (some bisexuality, gay characters)
- The Lathe of Heaven
- “The Matter of Seggri” (sexually polarized and insular society)
- The Word for World is Forest
- “Another Story,” in Le Guin’s book A Fisherman of the Inland Sea:
Science Fiction Stories (society with complicated, bisexual marriage
- The Left Hand of Darkness (neuter alien, except during mating, when
- Leiber, Fritz (classic)
- The Knight and Knave of Swords (F) (explicit lesbian s/m)
- “Slack Tuesday Night in Lankhmar, Featuring Hisvet” (scene
mentioned above, for those who want to cut to the chase) - The Wanderer (SF) (good human/alien sex scene)
- Leiber, Justin (SF) (trilogy involve mf body swapping)
- Beyond Rejection
- Beyond Humanity
- Beyond Gravity
- Leigh, Stephen (SF)
- Dark Water’s Embrace (Includes lesbian(forbidden) & straight sex.
Due to a mutation forced by a highly toxic planet, men
must have sex with a hermaphrodite, who then strengthens
and ejaculates that man’s sperm while having sex with a
woman. This holds true for both humans and an older race
on the planet.) - Slow Fall to Dawn, 1981
- Dance of the Hag, 1983
- Quiet of Stone, 1984
- Bones of God, 1986
- Crystal Memory, 1987
- Secret of the Leona, 1988
- Changeling: Robots and Aliens Book 4, 1989
- Abraxas Marvel Circus, 1990
- Alien Tongue
- Dinosaur Planet
- Dinosaur Samaurai
- Neweden Trilogy
- (and, as Lee Stevens)
- One Eyed Jacks
- Jokertown Shuffle
- Dealer’s Choice
- Aces High
- Dark Water’s Embrace (Includes lesbian(forbidden) & straight sex.
- Levin, Ira (SF) (classic — excellent read)
- This Perfect Day (bisexuality the norm; precursor to cyberpunk)
- Lewitt, Shariann (SF)
- Interface Masque (gay main character)
- Lilly, John and Antonietta
- The Cyadic Cyclone
- Littell, Jonathan (cyberpunk)
- Bad Voltage (bisexual male protagonist)
- Logston, Anne (F)
- Shadow
- Shadow Hunt
- Shadow Dance
- Lynch, Lee (F)
- Sue Slate: Private Eye (talking lesbian cats)
- Lynn, Elizabeth (F) (classic)
- Chronicles of Tornor:
- Watchtower
- Dancers of Arun
- Northern Girl
- The Sardonyx Net (SF) (sadism and incest; moderately sympathetic)
- The Woman Who Loved the Moon (short story collection)
(also in Amazons!, ed. J.A. Salmonson) - A Different Light (gay male protagonists)
- “The Man Who Was Pregnant” (short story)
- Dragon’s Winter (protagonist has a male lover)
- Chronicles of Tornor:
- MacGregor, Loren (SF)
- The Net (lesbian, gay and bi characters)
- (he notes that his upcoming novel features, among other
things, an hermaphrodite whose sexuality is under total
conscious control — meaning that s/he can switch back
and forth between genders at will).
- (he notes that his upcoming novel features, among other
- MacLeod, Ian (SF)
- “The Grownups” (three sexes: males, females and uncles (who
are male until puberty but later bear children)
- “The Grownups” (three sexes: males, females and uncles (who
- Maine, Charles Eric
- Alph (SF) (parthnogenetically reproducing all-female society)
- Mangels, Andy and Michael A. Martin
- Star Trek The Next Generation: Section 31: Rogue (SF) (“Major focus on
gay relationship between Lt Sean Liam Hawk and LtCmdr Ranul Keru. One of
the only explorations of gay relationships in the Star Trek universe I’ve
found to date. Also, it’s a good story!!”)
- Star Trek The Next Generation: Section 31: Rogue (SF) (“Major focus on
- Marks, Laurie J. (F)
- Delan the Mislaid (a world with race of hermaphrodites)
- The Moonbane Mage
- Ara’s Field
- The Watcher’s Mask (different world; no LBG content)
- Dancing Jack (bi/lesbian protagonists)
- Martine-Barnes, Adrienne
- The Fire Sword (lesbian sex with Celtic goddess)
- Maxwell, Ann
- Fire Dancer
- Dancer’s Luck
- Dancer’s Illusion
- Carifil series (may be hard to find)
- Name of a Shadow
- A Dead God Dancing
- The Jaws of Menx
- Timeshadow Rider
- The Singer Enigma
- May, Julian (SF)
- The Saga of the Pliocene Exiles: (lesbian character, gay male couple)
- The Many Coloured Land
- The Golden Torc
- The Non-born King
- The Adversary
- Intervention
- Jack the Bodiless (first book in the Milieu Trilogy)
- Diamond Mask (same gay male couple as above)
- Magnificat (upcoming)
- The Saga of the Pliocene Exiles: (lesbian character, gay male couple)
- McArthure, Maxine (SF)
- Time Future (gay male couple, homosexuality regarded no
differently from hetero relationships; positive
portrayal; winner of the George Turner Prize and “a good
sf read”; Australian author)
- Time Future (gay male couple, homosexuality regarded no
- McCaffrey, Anne (SF/F) (classic)
- Dragonrider series: (implications that some green and blow riders are
gay)- Dragonflight
- Dragonquest
- The White Dragon
- The Harper Hall of Pern:
- Dragonsong
- Dragonsinger
- Dragondrums
- Moreta (specific incident with gay male dragonriders)
- Nerilka’s Story
- Dragonsdawn
- Renegades of Pern
- All the Weyrs of Pern
- The Masterharper of Pern
- Crystal Singer
- Killashandra (bisexual woman character)
- Crystal Line (Killa describes someone as resolutely heterosexual)
- “Changeling” (gay protagonist) – in anthology: Get Off the
Unicorn (also contains short story about woman and two
men) - The Powers That Be (gay couple, lesbian couple)
- Power Lines
- Dragonrider series: (implications that some green and blow riders are
- McDonald, Ian
- “Some Strange Desire” – Datlow Windling 7th annual
(shapeshifter/hermaphrodites; a beautiful, hard-edged
- “Some Strange Desire” – Datlow Windling 7th annual
- McHugh, Marueen F. (SF)
- China Mountain Zhang (gay protagonist, positive portrayal, and
a damn good read besides) - Half the Day is Night
- Mission Child (Avon ’98) (Survival and work, and gender shifting
undertaken to make them possible)
- China Mountain Zhang (gay protagonist, positive portrayal, and
- McIntyre, Vonda N. (SF)
- Starfarers (partnership of two men and two women)
- Dreamsnake
- Transition
- Metaphase
- Meier, Shirley
- Shadow’s Daughter (2nd book in series with S.M. Stirling)
- The Sharpest Edge (with Stirling) (lesbian) (was reprinted as
Saber and Shadow, almost the same story but with some
changes in the early chapters which were apparently made
so that The Cage makes more sense. TSE doesn’t appear to
be available any longer.) - The Cage (with Stirling) (lesbian)
- Shadow’s Son (with Stirling and Karen Wehrstein)
- Meluch, R.M. (SF)
- Sovereign (bisexual male protagonist)
- Chicago Red (bi/gay character)
- Wind Child (bi encounter w/ hermaphroditic alien)
- Wind Dancers (as above)
- The Queen’s Squadron (S/M relationship between a bisexual man and
a gay man. Interesting commentary on homophobia and
- Mezo, Francine (female protagonist with alien humanoid)
- The Fall of Worlds (good; romantic with lots of action)
- Unless She Burn
- No Earthly Shore
- Millar, Martin (may be difficult to find in US)
- The Good Fairies of New York (F) (lots of fun varied
fairy sex; gay, lesbian, incest, bi) - Lux the Poet (following titles are mainstream, queer characters)
- Milk, Sulphate & Alby Starvation
- Dreams of Sex and Stage Diving
- The Good Fairies of New York (F) (lots of fun varied
- Milligan, Peter (F, comic)
- Shade the Changing Man (bi protagonists)
- Enigma (gay protagonists)
- Mindancer (aka
C.A. Casey) -
- Tales of Emoria:
- Future Dreams (lesbian couple protagonists)
- Past Echoes (forthcoming Jan 01)
- Tales of Emoria:
- Minns, Eric
- Island Boy
- Mixon, Laura J. (SF)
- Glass Houses (lesbian relationshiip goes sour and a very
entertaining cyber-type story)
- Glass Houses (lesbian relationshiip goes sour and a very
- Moffett, Judith (SF)
- Time, Like an Ever-Rolling Stream (sexually confused
female protagonist, best friends with gay man) - Penterra (some weird sexuality, including father/son incest,
all portrayed positively)
- Time, Like an Ever-Rolling Stream (sexually confused
- Mohanraj, Mary
Anne (F/SF) -
- Torn Shapes of Desire: Internet Erotica
- “Diana” (ff sex scene)
(note: only a few of the stories in the collection are
f/sf, but many pieces contain alternative sexualities)
- “Diana” (ff sex scene)
- “Fleeing Gods”, in _Sex Magick 2_ and _Best American Erotica:
1999_ (also in Torn Shapes) - “Goddess Blessing”, in _Floating Worlds_ (ff)
- “Kali”, in _Batteries Not Included_
- “Season of Marriage”, in _Herotica 6_
- Torn Shapes of Desire: Internet Erotica
- Moon, Elizabeth (recommended – very solid writer)
- Deed of Paksenarrion (pair of lesbians; homosexuality fairly
normal though uncommon, asexual heroine)- Sheepfarmer’s Daughter
- Divided Allegiance
- Oath of Gold
- Hunting Party
- Sporting Chance (sequel to Hunting Party) (lesbians)
- Surrender None: The Legacy of Gird
- Liar’s Oath
- Lunar Activity
- Sassinak (with Anne McCaffrey)
- Generation Warriors (with Anne McCaffrey)
- Deed of Paksenarrion (pair of lesbians; homosexuality fairly
- Moorcock, Michael (classic)
- Gloriana (F) (detailed exploration of sexuality; gay, bi, bdsm,
etc.; recommended high fantasy) - many, many SF novels which mention bisexuality in passing
- Adventures of Catherine Cornelius and Una Persson in the 20th
Century (SF)
- Gloriana (F) (detailed exploration of sexuality; gay, bi, bdsm,
- Moore, Alan
- “A Hypothetical Lizard”, Datlow/Windling 1st annual (drag queen
protagonist; story set in a brothel. This story is from
Liavek: Wizard’s Row, the third in the shared-world series
edited by Shetterly & Bull; the Liavek series is set in a
world where various sexualities are accepted (kind of a
much cooler Thieves’ World))
- “A Hypothetical Lizard”, Datlow/Windling 1st annual (drag queen
- Moran, Daniel Keyes (SF)
- The Armageddon Blues (bisexual time-traveller)
- The Long Run (biseuxal 17-yr-old)
- The Last Dancer (same char., now 24, homosexual villain)
- Emerald Eyes
- Mordden, Ethan (F)
- “short story, title unknown”, in _I’ve a Feeling We’re Not in
Kansas Anymore_ (Devil grants gay man the ability to
change his physical form)
- “short story, title unknown”, in _I’ve a Feeling We’re Not in
- Morris, Janet
- The Dream Dancer series
- Morrison, Grant (comic)
- The Invisibles (lgb, tv)
- “The Braille Encyclopedia” – Datlow and Windling 5th Annual (much
s/m twistedness)
- Morrow, James
- Murphy,
Pat -
- The Falling Woman (Nebula winner)
- Nadya – The Wolf Chronicles (bisexual werewolf looking for love
in the Old West)
- Nader, George
- Chrome (terrible writing)
- Niven, Larry (SF) (recommended)
- Ringworld Engineers (ritualized sex between species)
- The Smoke Ring
- The Integral Trees (lesbian warriors – do the risky work
because they don’t reproduce; one of them changes
her mind and becomes the straight love interest
of one of the main characters) - A World Out of Time (aging has been solved, so on Earth,
only the Boys are left, playing and hunting. The
Girls left long ago, to explore space.
- Niven, Larry, Jerry Pournelle, Michael Flynn
- Fallen Angels (androgynous, suggestively lesbian villain;
heterosexuality as sign of freedom and right-mindedness;
women’s value as birthing machines)
- Fallen Angels (androgynous, suggestively lesbian villain;
- Noon, Jeff (SF)
- Pollen (cyber; new human-animal and human-plant genders)
- Norman, John
- Gor series (female sexual slavery) (rather appalling series)
(I didn’t want to include these, because I don’t think
they’re appropriate, but so many people kept mentioning
- Gor series (female sexual slavery) (rather appalling series)
- Pangborn, Edgar
- Davy
- Still I Persist in Wondering, ed. Spider Robinson
- A Company of Glory (warning: novel was heavily bowdlerized,
by editors who considered it ‘too faggoty’)
- Patton, Fiona (F)
- The Stone Prince (The hero has a deep, loving relationship with
another man. The book describes a society of same-sex
‘Companions’ for nobility. Bisexuality.) - The Painter Knight
- The Granite Shield
- The Golden Sword
- The Stone Prince (The hero has a deep, loving relationship with
- Perry, Steve (SF)
- Matador series:
- Book 1: The 97th Step
- Book 2: The Man Who Never Missed
- Book 3: Matadora (lesbian relationship)
- Book 4: The Machiavelli Interface
- Book 5: The Albino Knife
- Book 6: Black Steele
- Book 7: Brother Death
- Matador series:
- Piercy, Marge (SF)
- Woman at the Edge of Time (bisexual utopia)
- He, She, & It (sexual relationship with android)
- The Moon is Always Female (poetry collection – good)
- Pinto, Ricardo (F)
- The Chosen (gay protagonist and other gay characters)
- The Standing Dead
- Plantenga, Bart (SF)
- Wiggling Wishbone (1998 publication in Czech) (illustrated work of
speculative metafictions - The Man Who Thought He Was the Man Who Loved Women
- Wiggling Wishbone (1998 publication in Czech) (illustrated work of
- Platt, Charles (SF)
- The Gas (obscure sf sex novel) – published by Ophelia Press or
Olympia Press? – difficult to find
- The Gas (obscure sf sex novel) – published by Ophelia Press or
- Pohl, Frederik (SF)
- Gateway (bisexuality is the norm and concern of protagonist)
- Heechee Rendezvous (gay couple)
- Years of the City (group living arrangement)
- with C. M. Kornbluth
- The Space Merchants (SF, homosexuality, some torture which you
- just MIGHT classify as SM – classic, still
- interesting; good example for co-authorship)
- The Merchant’s War
- Pollack Rachel (F)
- “Black Rose, White Rose” (short story)
- Temporary Agency (lesbian relationship)
- Godmother Night (all three main characters are lesbians)
- Doom Patrol (comic series featuring a transsexual lesbian
- Pullman, Philip (SF)
- His Dark Materials
The Golden Compass
The Subtle Knife
(third forthcoming)
- His Dark Materials
- Pynchon, Thomas (literary, highly recommended)
- The Crying of Lot 49
- V., A Novel
- Gravity’s Rainbow
- Vineland
- Slow Learner (short story collection)
- Quick, W.T.
- Cyberpunk series:
Dreams of Flesh and Sand (SF) (gay villain)
Dreams of Gods and Men
Singularities - – writing as Margaret Allan: (F)
Dreams of the Stone
The Last Mammoth
- Cyberpunk series:
- Rawn, Melanie (F)
- Exiles trilogy (gay and lesbian protagonists)
- Reage, Pauline (not SF or F, but fascinating anyway)
- The Story of O (I & II) (s&m, lesbians, slavery)
- Reamy, Tom (F)
- “San Diego Lightfoot Sue” (novella)
- Resnick, Mike
- Tales of the Velvet Comet (galactic brothel)
- Eros Ascending
- Eros at Zenith
- Eros Descending
- Eros at Nadir
- Rhinehart, Luke
- The Dice Man (protagonist has gay sex when required to by his
- The Dice Man (protagonist has gay sex when required to by his
- Rice, Anne (F)
- The Vampire Chronicles:
- Interview with the Vampire
- The Vampire Lestat
- Queen of the Damned
- Tale of the Body Thief
- Cry to Heaven
- Exit to Eden (as Anne Rampling) (s&m)
- Sleeping Beauty series (as A.N. Roquelaire) (s&m)
- The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty
- Beauty’s Punishment
- Beauty’s Release
- The Witching Hour (minor gay characters)
- Belinda (not sf/f; cons pedo (with teen))
- The Vampire Chronicles:
- Ridley, Philip
- Crocodilia [publ: Brilliance]
- Rivkin, J.F. (F)
- Silverglass series: (two bisexual female protagonists)
- Silverglass (good hack and slash)
- Web of Wind
- Witch of Rhosthyl
- Mistress of Ambiguities
- Silverglass series: (two bisexual female protagonists)
- Robinson, Frank M. (SF)
- The Dark Beyond the Stars (gay protagonist – won Lambda Award)
- Robinson, Spider (SF) (homosexuality, bisexuality, s/m,
transvestism, etc.) -
- Stardance (quite good)
- Starseed
- Mindkiller (bondage; bi female; asexual, etc.)
- Time Pressure (scared butch men discovering bisexuality)
(two previous recently republished together as
title Deathkiller) - Callahan’s Crosstime Saloon
- Time-Travellers Strictly Cash
- Callahan’s Lady (very high-class whorehouse with unusual customers)
- Lady Slings the Booze (excellent sequel – puns galore)
- Roessner, Michaela
- The Stars Dispose
- The Stars Compel
- Rohan, Michael Scott
- Chase the Morning (minor bi character)
- Rosenberg, Joel (F)
- Guardians of the Flame series: villains engage in slavery and rape.
- Keepers of the Hidden Ways series
- The Silver Stone: consensual father-daughter incest among
aristocrats (not stated but strongly hinted). - The Crimson Sky: sexual relationship between human and Norse
goddess, positively portrayed gay character.
- The Silver Stone: consensual father-daughter incest among
- Rosenblum, Mary (SF)
- Chimera (one definitely and one possibly bisexual protagonist)
- Rucker, Rudy (SF)
- Master of Time and Space (humorous; protagonist accidentally wishes
for and is turned into Marilyn Monroe look-a-like for part
of story; gender bending)
- Master of Time and Space (humorous; protagonist accidentally wishes
- Rusch, Kristine Kathryn (F)
- The Heart Readers
- with Kevin J. Anderson (H/F)
- Afterimage (gender shift)
- Russ, Joanna
- The Female Man
- And Chaos Died (SF) (gay identified protagnoist; sex between
telepaths; homophobic character) - On Strike Against God (novella; lesbian coming out to herself)
- Zanzibar Cat (short story collection)
- “When It Changed” (also in Ellison’s _Dangerous
Visions_, and Nestle’s _Women on Women_) - “Mr Wilde’s Second Chance”
- “When It Changed” (also in Ellison’s _Dangerous
- Extraordinary People (short story collection)
- “Bodies”
- “Mystery of the Young Gentleman”
- Hidden Side of the Moon (short story collection)
- “Cliches From Outer Space”
- Ryman, Geoff
- The Child Garden
- The Warrior Who Carried Life (female turned into male, falls
in love with a woman, turns back to female) - Was (gay characters and incest)
- Salmonson, Jessica Amanda
- In her own words, author of “a goodly number of lesbian, gay, &
- intersexual stories over the last twenty years.” She recommends:
- “The Prodigal Daughter” (in Terri Windling and
Mark Arnold, eds., ELSEWHERE I (Ace, 1981) World Fantasy
Award anthology; & in Jeffrey M. Elliot, ed., KINDRED
SPIRITS (Alyson, 1984). This novelette was the subject of
an essay by Dr. Marlene Barr in FANTASY NEWSLETTER, 1981.) - Also check out her webpage,, with essays on
lesbian fantasists, among other things.
- Sargent, Pamela (SF)
- The Shore of Women (women in vast cities, men in nomadic bans
– love between sexes strictly forbidden; sounds
somewhat like Tepper’s Gate to Women’s Country) - Venus of Dreams
- Venus of Shadows
- The Shore of Women (women in vast cities, men in nomadic bans
- Scheckley, Robert
- Immortality, Inc. (body swapping; was made into a movie with Emilio
Estevez and Mick Jagger)
- Immortality, Inc. (body swapping; was made into a movie with Emilio
- Schimmel, Lawrence (F)
- The Drag Queen of Elfland (collection with many gay male, lesbian
and bi protagonists)
- The Drag Queen of Elfland (collection with many gay male, lesbian
- Schulman, J. Neil (SF)
- The Rainbow Cadenza (gay men, scarcity of women)
- Scott, Melissa
- Mighty Good Road (SF) (lesbian protagonist)
- The Armor of Light (with Lisa Barnett) (F) (several gay males)
- Dreamships (SF) (lesbian)
- Dreaming Metal (sequel to Dreamships; same queer characters plus more)
- Burning Bright
- The Roads of Heaven (SF, omnibus) – Woman joins in a three-way
marriage with two men who are lovers; at first for
convenience, and later for love- Five Twelfths of Heaven
- Silence in Solitude
- The Empress of Earth
- Trouble and Her Friends (lesbian protagonists, cyberpunk)
- The Kindly Ones (SF) (gay/bi? hero(ine?))
- Shadow Man (SF) (5 human sexes through settled space; novel
takes places on a world that only acknowledges 2 sexes
despite having the same 5; conflict between social
and physical realities) - Night Sky Mine (gay male couple and a budding teenage lesbian)
- Point of Hopes (F; with Lisa Barnett) (wonderfully-conceived
fantasy world where everyone is bisexual) - Point of Dreams (two male protagonists in Point of Hopes, finally
together) - The Jazz (SF)
- Shaw, Bob (SF)
- Call Me Dumbo (male turned female in order to generated offspring)
- Shea, Robert and Robert Anton Wilson
- Illuminatus! trilogy (SF)
- Schroedinger’s Cat trilogy (vagabond body parts, midgets, and
- Sheffield, Charles
- Proteus Unbound (also available in 1 volume – Proteus Combined)
- Sight of Proteus (gender swap)
- Shirley, John (SF) (gay, lesbian)
- A Song Called Youth (aka Eclipse, Eclipse Penumbra, etc)
- Dracula in Love (mutated sexual bodies & hints of S/M)
- New Noir (F) (midget sex, necrophilia, decapitation head-fucks, etc.)
- Silverberg, Robert (SF/F)
- At Winter’s End (bisexual woman; twining?; voluntary conception)
- Book of Skulls
- The World Inside (SF) (highly urbanized, extremely hedonistic
society – procreation sacred, but homosexuality
widespread) - The Majipoor Chronicles (instellarspecial sex; positive alternative)
- Son of Man (sex changes, sex with tree)
- Dying Inside (telepath enters minds of two participants in a
heterosexual sex encounter) - To Live Again (people record memories before death and later
download them into another person; gender swap)
- Sizemore, Susan
- Gates of Hell (culture has bisexuality as norm; primary romance is
het) - Laws of the Blood (vampire series; bisexuality is the norm)
- Gates of Hell (culture has bisexuality as norm; primary romance is
- Slonczewski, Joan (SF) (quite good)
- A Door into Ocean (female society on a water planet; anarchy
fights back non-violently against empire) - Daughter of Elysium
- A Door into Ocean (female society on a water planet; anarchy
- Smith, Cordwainer (real name Dr. Paul Linebarger)
- The Crime and Glory of Commander Suzdahl
(women die out; men survive by cloning) - The Instrumentality of Mankind, including “The Ballad of Lost
- The Crime and Glory of Commander Suzdahl
- Smith, Thorne
- Turnabout (sort of the original body switch story, inspiration for ST
- Turnabout (sort of the original body switch story, inspiration for ST
- Spedding, (Alison) (F) (bisexual female protagonist in sexist
and -
- homophobic society)
- The Road and the Hills
- A Cloud over Water
- The Streets of the City
- Spinrad, Norman (SF)
- A World Between (accepted homosexual & lesbian minorities
- and subcultures, some SM – satire on the ‘war of sexes’,
- nicely done)
- The Iron Dream (homosexuality, fetishism, fascist sexuality)
- Child of Fortune (society where sex is a performance art; journey
of self-discovery of an adolescent wandering tantric
artist) - The Void Captain’s Tale (taboo sex between captain and the asexual
female navigator; same society as Child of Fortune)
- Springer, Nancy
- Larque on the Wing (straight turns gay, gay male couple)
- Metal Angel
- Apocalypse (secondary character is a transsexual man who has
become a woman and is in a lesbian relationship)
- Stackpole, Michael A. (SF)
- Blood of Kerensky Saga (incest caused by genetic engineering
- and social conditioning)
Lethal Heritage
Blood Legacy
Lost Destiny
- Stadler, Matthew
- Landscape: Memory
- Starhawk (F)
- The Fifth Sacred Thing (straight, gay, bi, old, young, poly)
- Walking to Mercury (prequel to Fifth Sacred Thing; bi-female
- Sternberg, Elf (SF/F)
- The Kennet Shardik stories, available on-line — see
my home page, Friends section for a link to them
(many and varied sexualities, bdsm) - Aimee series (fantasy)
- The Kennet Shardik stories, available on-line — see
- Steward, Jean (SF/F)
- Return to Isis (heroic lesbian characters)
- Stine, Jean Marie
- Season of the
Witch (rapist
is magically transformed into a woman as punishment for
his crime)
- Season of the
- Stirling, S.M.
- Marching Through Georgia
- Under the Yoke (lesbians)
- The Stone Dogs (first real treatment of homosexuality in trilogy)
- Snowbrother (rest of series see Meier and Wehrstein) (lesbian)
- Sturgeon, Theodore (SF) (classic)
- Venus Plus X (gender identity)
- “The World Well Lost”, _E.Pluribus Unicorn_
- More Than Human
- The Stars are the Styx (short story collection; several different
views on sexual relationships including a fantasy world
where the elemental number of humans who exist as one is
three, rather than two) - Godbody (messianic figure who embodies love to everybody,
male and female) - If All Men Were Brothers, Would You Let One Marry Your Sister?
(culturally acceptable incest) - Some of Your Blood (eroticism/consumption of menstrual blood)
- “The Widget, the Wadget and Boff” (EXCELLENT, gay character)
- “Affair with a Green Monkey (SF, character presumed
gay and treated with condescending tolerance) - “The Sex Opposite”, _E. Pluribus Unicorn_ (androgynous people
who reproduce by parthenogenesis)
- Sukenick, Ron (F)
- Doggy Bag (s/m, white slavery, hyperhetero)
- Sumner, Mark (SF)
- “Surrogate”, _Writers of the Future #8 Anthology_
(protagonist is a man who makes his living by
“bodysitting” the bodies ofen through childbirth)
- “Surrogate”, _Writers of the Future #8 Anthology_
- Swann, Thomas Burnett (homoerotic love themes)
- How Are the Might Fallen
- Green Phoenix
- The Gods Abide
- Sussex, Lucy
- “My Lady Tongue”, _My Lady Tongue & Other Tales_
(woman from a lesbian separatist colony who is seduced
by a male from outside the colony but who affirms her
lesbian sexuality) - “God and Her Black Sense of Humour”, _My Lady Tongue…_
(vampire groupies) - “The Queen of Erewhon”, _Fantasy and Science Fiction_ (might be
described as the economics behind polyandry, and also a
lesbian love story) - “Merlusine”, _The Horns of Elfland_, ed. Kushner, Sherman & Keller
(lesbian love story, but also about fetishes – an
attraction towards melanin deficiency, also a teratology
- “My Lady Tongue”, _My Lady Tongue & Other Tales_
- Sweeney, Toni
- “Variation and Man”, _Starry Nights III_ (gender-shifting)
- Takahashi, Rumio
- Ranma 1/2 (Japanese manga about a boy who becomes a girl when
doused with cold water; hot water changes him back)
- Ranma 1/2 (Japanese manga about a boy who becomes a girl when
- Tan, Cecilia
- Telepaths Don’t Need Safewords (and other stories)
(b/d, s/m, bestiality – catalog available
on-line from Circlet Press)
- Telepaths Don’t Need Safewords (and other stories)
- Tarr, Judith (F)
- Avaryan Rising: (high fantasy)
- The Hall of the Mountain King (bi mercenaries)
- The Lady of Han-Gilen
- A Fall of Princes (two rival princes fall in love, one
eventually undergoes a sorcerous sex-change)
- Arrows of the Sun
- Spear of Heaven
- Avaryan Rising: (high fantasy)
- Tem, Melanie (H)
- Desmodus (bi- characters in matriarchal vampire community)
- Tenn, William
- The Seven Sexes (novella, out of print; multiple sexuality aliens)
- Tepper, Sheri S. (innovative and interesting writer – quite
good) -
- Side Show (SF) (hermaphrodites, incest)
- True Game series: (F)
- The Song of Mavin Manyshaped
- The Flight of Mavin Manyshaped
- The Search of Mavin Manyshaped
- King’s Blood Four
- Necromancer Nine
- Wizard’s Eleven
- Jinian Footseer
- Jinian Dervish Daughter
- Jinian Star-Eye
- Northshore
- Southshore
- The Gate to Women’s Country (men and women live separately)
- Grass (controlled pop. growth, great human/alien sex scene)
- Raising the Stones (several societies of varying sexual mores)
- Thomas, T. Thomas (SF)
- Crygender (futuristic stroy involving an artificially
created, ex-terrorist hermaphrodite)
- Crygender (futuristic stroy involving an artificially
- Thomson, Amy
- Virtual Girl (female robot discovers humanity and empathy.
Includes charity sex with transvestite and street
people sexuality) - Color of Distance (how our sex is viewed by aliens.
- Virtual Girl (female robot discovers humanity and empathy.
- Thurston, Robert (SF)
- Battletech’s Legend of the Jade Phoenix Trilogy (incest caused
by genetic engineering and social conditioning)- Way of the Clans
- Bloodname
- Falcon Guard
- Battletech’s Legend of the Jade Phoenix Trilogy (incest caused
- Tiptree, James (SF)
- Starsongs of an Old Primate (short story collection)
- “Your Haploid Heart”
- “A Momentary Taste of Being”
- Her Smoke Rose up Forever (short story col.)
- “Your Faces, O My Sisters!”
- “Houston, Houston, Do You Read?” (race of lesbians/androgynes)
- “With Delicate Mad Hands”
- “The Screwfly Solution” (writing as Racoona Sheldon)
(aliens take over by alterning male sex drive) - “And I Awoke and Found Me He on the Cold Hill’s Side”
(unpleasant consequences of human/alien sex) - “Mama Come Home” (female supremacy, violent rape of male by females)
- Starsongs of an Old Primate (short story collection)
- Tonnies, Mac (SF)
- Illumined Black anthology (varied weird future sex)
- Turner, George
- The Destiny Makers (central character affected by a pederastic
relationship with his adopted father)
- The Destiny Makers (central character affected by a pederastic
- Turtledove, Harry
- The Videssos Cycle (three gay caracters, gay community)
- The Lost Legion
- The Legion of Videssos
- Swords of the Legion
- The Videssos Cycle (three gay caracters, gay community)
- Vance, Jack (F)
- The Green Pearl (second in Lyonesse trilogy – bisexual and
- homosexual characters)
- The Dying Earth (enslavement of male by female)
- Varley, John
- Gaea Trilogy: (SF/F) (bisexual woman hero; lesbian and gay char.)
- Titan
- Wizard
- Demon
- The Ophiuchi Hotline (SF) (lots of sex changes; more extreme
mods (lots of breasts, “electric testicles”) are
popular on Pluto; a neuter person with both male and
female identities) - The Persistence of Vision (SF)
- “The Phantom of Kansas” (Fox gets murdered several
times by her illicit male clone (and is restored
backups) before they finally meet, have great sex,
and escape together to Pluto) - “Retrograde Summer” (Jubilant reveals to Timothy that
who he thought was his mother is actually his
father. - “In the Hall of the Martian Kings” (MOTSS relationship)
- “The Persistence of Vision” (society with no
homosexuality taboo; no clear distinction
between sexual and nonsexual interaction; no
gender-marked clothes)
- “The Phantom of Kansas” (Fox gets murdered several
- The Barbie Murders (a.k.a. Picnic on Nearside) (SF)
- “Manikins” (only females are natural; maleness is the
result of a parasite) - “Beatnik Bayou” (sex changes)
- “Lollipop and the Tar Baby” (Xanthia is Zoe’s
clone/daughter/lover) - “Picnic on Nearside” (Fox’s mom won’t let him (born a
girl, raised as a boy) have another sex
change, even though his best friend Halo got one.)
- “Manikins” (only females are natural; maleness is the
- Hall of the Martian Kings (SF)
- Blue Champagne (SF)
- Steel Beach (SF) (new, surgically-created sexes that never
catch on with the public; sexual orientations can be
unchanging or relative to the sex a person is at the time) - Golden Globe (same universe, gender-bending)
- Gaea Trilogy: (SF/F) (bisexual woman hero; lesbian and gay char.)
- Vinge, Joan D.
- The Summer Queen (F) (homosexual angst-ridden prince, other
homosexual characters) - Outcasts of Heaven Belt (SF) (multi-partner marriages)
- Heaven Chronicles (SF) (women prohibited from many jobs due
to radiation hazards and lack of tech to preserve ovum - Psion
- Cat’s Paw (male bi? catman, some s/m hustling and different sex;
sequel to Psion)
- The Summer Queen (F) (homosexual angst-ridden prince, other
- Vinge, Vernor (SF)
- The Peace War
- Marooned in Realtime (lesbian main characters, Mrs. and Mrs.
Korolev; murder mystery) - (published together in Across Realtime)
- A Deepness in the Sky (alien protagonists choose to breed out of
season, and are labelled as perverts by their colleagues)
- Vonarburg, Elisabeth
- The Silent City (metamorph heroine ina post-apocalyptic world,
reluctant mother/father to a new race; sort of prequel
to…) - In the Mothers’ Land (assumed lesbianism for women,
prescribed and ritualized herosexuality for men) - “In the pit” (bi male narrator meets metamorph)
- “Band ohne Ende” (metamorph, f changes to m and thinks of
engaging in a gay (?) relationship with a woman)
- The Silent City (metamorph heroine ina post-apocalyptic world,
- Wagner, Matt (author and/or editor) (F comic) (recommended)
- Grendel (in Mage comic)
- Grendel (black/white/red series)
- Grendel (color series)
- Grendel: Warchild (lesbian characters)
- Grendel Tales (lesbian protagonists in one story line)
- The Aerealist (lgb characters)
- Sandman Mystery Theatre (good, evil l/b women)
- Waitman, Katie (SF)
- The Merro Tree (male protagonist in love with a male, snake-like
alien; recommended) - The Divided
- The Merro Tree (male protagonist in love with a male, snake-like
- Ward, Cynthia
- “The Lost Homeland”, Bending the Landscape: Horror
- “On the Last Day of School”, Asimov’s May 1997
- Weber, David (SF)
- Honor Harrington series (sexual and racial differences are a
forgotten memory, 4000 years in future)
- Honor Harrington series (sexual and racial differences are a
- Wehrstein, Karen
- Lion’s Heart
- Lion’s Soul
- Shadow’s Son (with Shirley Meier and S.M. Stirling)
- Weis, Margaret (SF)
- Star of the Guardians series (positive recurring gay character)
- The Lost King
- King’s Test
- King’s Sacrifice
- Star of the Guardians series (positive recurring gay character)
- Weis, Margaret and Tracy Hickman
- Rose of the Prophet trilogy (positive gay characters)
- Weis, Margaret and Don Perrin
- Robot Blues (transgendered character and a character who is almost
a transvestite and basically try-sexual (he’ll try anything
- Robot Blues (transgendered character and a character who is almost
- Wilhelm, Kate
- Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang
- Willey, Elizabeth (recommended) (F)
- A Well-Favored Man (gay/bi characters)
- A Sorceror and a Gentleman (ditto)
- Williams, Walter Jon
- Aristoi (bisexual protagonist)
- Hardwired
- Wilson, Colin
- The Space Vampires (was made into a bad movie)
- The Schoolgirl Murder Case
- The God of the Labyrinth
- Sex Diary of a Metaphysician (sexual black magic/Aleister Crowley)
- The Philosopher’s Stone
- Wittig, Monique
- Les Guerillieres
- Wolfe, Chris Anne (F/SF)
- Shadows of Aggar (lesbian encounter)
- Womack, Jack (SF)
- Random Acts of Senseless Violence (protagonist is a pubescent girl
who is discovering she’s a lesbian; cyberpunk)
- Random Acts of Senseless Violence (protagonist is a pubescent girl
- Woolf, Virginia (classic, excellent)
- Orlando (sex-changing across time
– recently made into a visually stunning movie)
- Orlando (sex-changing across time
- Wyndham, John (SF)
- Consider Her Ways (men wiped out…only women left on
the planet – all lesbians)
- Consider Her Ways (men wiped out…only women left on
- Wright, Helen (SF)
- A Matter of Oaths (bisexuality is the norm)
- Yolen, Jane (F) (good storyteller)
- Sister Light, Sister Dark (gay themes)
- White Jenna
- Briar Rose (In the Fairy Tales series – excellent –
prominent gay character/gay experience under Nazis) - Cards of Grief (homosexuality)
- Zelazny, Roger (very good author)
- Lord of Light (characters switch sex as easily as bodies)
- Creatures of Light and Darkness (love triangle; minor s/m)
- “Come to me not in Winter’s White” (with Harlan Ellison),
in Partners in Wonder (bisexual female
This work is copyright M.A. Mohanraj 2001, all rights reserved.
Please don’t repost this or make it publically accessible via FTP, mail
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