The Persistence of Hope

Face the failing of the light,
Cling to joy, suppress dry screams,
Patterns shift beyond mere sight.

Despair may sap your will to fight,
Death and dread, soft-echoed themes,
Face the failing of the light.

Guttering candle holds back night,
Struggles for power, clever schemes,
Patterns shift beyond mere sight.

Place the candle in the right,
Renounce the dying of the dreams,
Face the failing of the light.

Raise your candle to highest height,
Casting light on darkened streams,
Patterns shift beyond mere sight.

Dawn will set the sky alight,
Nightmares fade to sweet daydreams,
Face the failing of the light,
Patterns shift beyond mere sight.


M.A. Mohanraj
April 9, 1993