- straighten up -- DONE
- pack car with load of boxes -- DONE
- ask Pam for receipt for tax rebate on energy-efficient improvements -- DONE
- call LuxeTile re: broken tile -- DONE (replacing for free, yay!)
- call Dave re: star, eat-in area, fence height, library -- DONE
- take load of boxes to house -- DONE
- clean sides of stove so they can install it -- DONE
- talk to Piotr re: curtain rods (Anand's room, Kavi's room, my turret) -- DONE
- measure for curtain rods -- DONE
- measure for seat back -- DONE
- fill out Faculty Activity Report (due today) -- DONE
- sort outsized clothes to give away -- DONE
- talk to zinc guy re: other countertops -- DONE
- pack rest of serveware -- DONE
- drop off dry-cleaning -- DONE
- get car washed -- DONE (for first time in two years, eep)
- do dishes -- Kev DONE
- call bank re: small equity line (sigh) -- left message
- call Freeman Fence -- left message
- talk to Pam / millwork guy re: other countertops -- in progress
- finish grading papers
- prepare taxes
- file taxes
- review last hundred e-mails and respond to urgent ones / put in calendar
- call and schedule stone appt. for Wed
- check on bank
- pick up package!!
- call / e-mail re: Kriti @ Roosevelt
- schedule next Kriti meeting
- e-mail re: Tues night English country dancing @ 7:30
- find Kavi's music player
- Wed:
- @ 9, meet with Dave re: eat-in design
- @ 9:30, meet with Mark
- go to Elk Grove Village to choose stone
- order fabric for seat back
- buy curtain rods
- review and post images for hall closet curtain
- order fabric for hall closet curtain
- stop by Quiltology or The Needle Shop and look at fabrics for Kavi's curtains
- take chipped Porcelonsa tile back to Great Indoors
- look for faucets at Great Indoors
- buy house numbers (Great Indoors or RH?)