I like how the new hydrangea ball candles look like little eggs in their nests once they’re all packaged up. Well, great big round eggs, not little ones. 🙂 But you get the idea.
Plan for today:
8 -10: eat breakfast, work on Russ essay, maybe make some botanical bookmarks somewhere in there, as I’m running low at the shop, also make a few space resin jewelry pieces for the space raffle box, prep for teaching
10 – 10:15: Serendib house ‘stand-up’ publicity Zoom meeting, just to check in on upcoming events
10:15 – 10:45: swim
10:45 – 2: get ready for teaching, eat some lunch, go in, teach
2-3:30 — make some color photocopies of my launch party flyer (I just want to drop off a few physical copies in a few places), drop off flyers on the way home
3:30 – 4 — tea break
4-6: work on grant application due tomorrow, also see if I can figure out ICFA travel plans
6-8: if packaging materials have arrived, pack up the garden raffle baskets and run them down to store — also eat dinner, but thankfully I made a nice pork curry yesterday and rice, so there’s plenty of tasty leftovers
(Yes, that’s a 12-hr day, and I’m generally trying hard to work less, but we’re in run-up-to-event mode, so the days will inevitably get a little long.)