Sri Lanka research questions. Talk to me about phones. In 2016, would a middle-class family in Negombo have cell phones? Land lines? What about their fisherman relative? What about their 12-year-old?
Also, what might a 12-year-old girl in Negombo be likely to do on a Saturday afternoon? I’m assuming she gets at least a little break from studying then. Go to a movie? Get ice cream? Go to the beach? Just hang out (where?) with her friends?
Also, if she’s had a traumatic experience, and a relative wants to feed her tea, I’d kind of like her to say no, that she doesn’t drink tea, and then they offer her something else, like hot chocolate. Plausible? I’m wondering if 12-year-olds would typically drink caffeinated tea, and if not, what other hot beverage they might be offered.
So many questions!