It took us a little over an hour to get everything off hangers and separated into sorted bags. St. Christopher’s is asking for some specific things right now, so I’ve already taken the bags of women’s base layers and puffer jackets to the car.
I’ll hold the rest in my garage and plan to distribute it as they request, probably over the next few weeks. If I hit a point where I can’t cope with them in my garage anymore, I’ll take whatever remains over to Brown Elephant, which also has a great mission.
Very successful clothing swap (I scored a great J. Jill sweatshirt that I’m wearing right now), lots of happy swappers, and lots and lots of clothes for the refugees.
Now the only question is whether I can sweet-talk Kevin into helping me get these bags to the garage before our cleaners arrive. (I think so, just depends on how many meetings he’s Zooming in for today, and when…)