For the next SLF workshop, we’re thinking about a morning session with craft exercises for prose, and an afternoon focused on business (networking / contracts / Kickstarter). I’m tentatively thinking we won’t fly in an editor or agent this time, mostly because we’re thinking Saturday in January for this one, and flying people into Chicago in the winter is always a hassle. (If there are Chicago-based agents / editors reading this who’d be interested in speaking for an hour or two, for a small honorarium, please do get in touch! I’d like to start building up a database of local speakers.)
So this one will be a little more low-key, and also a bit more affordable — we’ll book the Oak Park main library, I think a small room in the morning for the writing portion, and then a larger room for the business part, which will be more lecture-based. $40 for the morning session, 9:00 – 11:30, $40 for the afternoon, 12 – 3, $65 for the whole day. How does that sound?