But spirits were lifted briefly by adorableness of last night's Halloween costumes. I should have gotten a mob cap to complete my Granny outfit -- I didn't even think of it until I was walking around in just my flannel nightgown and slippers. And I was too lazy to add more grey to my hair or lines to my face. But everyone else looked great. :-)
Oh no, he's going to eat me!
She seems oddly unconcerned by her poor grandmother's plight.
Luckily, the woodsman managed to save the day. With his spiky barbarian war axe, because that's the only one he could find on short notice. I think Kev will revolt if I make him actually dress up as Conan next year. But it would be funny.
Hee! Nice costume set!
🙁 re exhausted/cranky. Hope sleep helps.