[sushi / politics]
The airport sushi in San Francisco is better than a lot of the restaurant sushi in Chicago. I know Chicago is one of the most climate-resilient cities in the world, and I actually do love living here generally, but sometimes, as when you’re taking a first astonished bite of SFO airport sushi, there may be a little pang for what you’re missing…
Home again now. More posts incoming about clearing out Kevin’s parents’ condo. Also undoubtedly some posts about politics. But I’m going to try to keep a good balance between national politics and the rest of my life, both in my posting, and in my attention.
I’m already seeing that a lot of folks are so upset by what’s happening nationally, it’s starting to interfere with their lives. Just know that if you’re reading the news (or social media), and you’re finding yourself getting more stressed, panicky, or despairing, it is really okay to walk away for a bit.
This week in particular, when the shock is fresh, and the news is slammed with announcements of terrible things — just turn off the news for a week if you need to. Walk away from social media (or stick to your happy groups, like knitting patterns and sourdough baking). Use the block button liberally, and feel free to snooze stressful voices for a month.
Don’t feel like you’re letting down the side by taking a break. We want you sane and calm and able to think clearly, well-rested, with your own home and family in good order, so you’re not worrying about them at the same time you’re trying to help the rest of the community.
It’s basic quartermaster tactics — the army thinks on its stomach, and you don’t ever want to send hungry, tired, distracted soldiers into battle. Protect your peace of mind, so when you’re ready, you can resist more effectively.
I promise you, there’ll be something constructive from you to do a week (or a month) from now.
Bath for me now, and reading some more of Onyx Storm, which I started on the plane. Very good distraction, should you need one. Though I’d start with book one, not book three. 🙂