But gosh, isn’t that new rose pretty?

Garden log 1/16/25. Couldn’t sleep (this happens sometimes, I miss my fall asleep window and then I’m just up all night). It’s okay — mostly been lying in bed reading, I’ll survive. But also, it seemed like a good time to do some plant research and then place my big spring planting order.

My judgement may be slightly compromised, as I appear to have spent my entire $1200 Wild Cards end-of-year payment on plants. Had better make (and sell) some more tables this year…

Hollyhocks, geranium, iris sibirica, two native honeysuckle, monarda, lots of dahlias, witch hazel, a couple roses, blue lobelia, native spicebush, some winterberry, another fothergilla.

I think I know where I’m going to put it all, but I may be deeply deluded. But gosh, isn’t that new rose pretty???

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