Garden log 1/2/25

Garden log 1/2/25. I’m not quite ready to start thinking about seed starting (soon, I think?), but this is a good time to refresh my indoor plants. I did a trim of most of them when I brought the tropicals indoors, but now I’m going through and adding fresh soil to the top of the ones that are looking a little bare, especially if they have roots showing.

I don’t think any of them are particularly pot-bound (one indicator is if water seems to be running through really fast, telling you that you’ve mostly got roots and not much soil), so I’m not actually repotting anything.

But a little top-dressing of fresh soil should give them a nice boost of nutrients and help keep them from drying out in our home’s forced air low-humidity environment. (This is when I envy the folks with radiators.)
I also dressed them up a bit with reindeer moss over the soil, mostly for aesthetics, but I think it might help a bit with keeping moisture in?

And you can see the big green bottle in back? Most of my larger plants have those now, filled and stuck in a clay container, to help make sure they get a slow, steady supply of water wicked into the soil over the course of the week (I typically water everything once a week on the weekend. When I remember. And am not running frantic.) I started with clear plastic bottles, but recently switched over to green glass bottles (I ordered a box of them online), and I l like the aesthetic better. Link in comments.

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