Hello, wee beauties. Go back to sleep.

Garden log 12/31/24. We have one more weirdly mild day, and then it’s going to get really cold. It’s worrying, because we aren’t expected to have snow, and if it gets as cold as predicted, without the layer of snow insulation, we may lose a lot of perennials that normally overwinter just fine.

I was wildly behind on garden work anyway (small business, holiday rush, etc. and so on), so I went out to rake the last batch of leaves off the paths and into the beds; cut down the roses some so they don’t whip around in high wind, trim and compost the mildewed peony leaves, etc. I’m leaving the perennials that will look nice with snow / frost, assuming we get some — like these lovely baptisia pods.

I’m hoping the thick layer of leaves will help pretect my perennials. I don’t normally burlap anything, but this year — maybe. We’ll see what the weather does.

It’s mild enough right now, though, that some of my snowdrops have decided to bloom, three months early.

Hello, wee beauties. Go back to sleep.

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