Tiny Little Home Decor Project

This is the workout area in the basement, and it’s mostly pretty functional, and honestly, not super-inspiring. I’d love to have it look like a yoga studio — all bright light and plants, but there’s two tiny windows in there and lots of brick; it’s never going to have that kind of look, I think, and any live plants I put in there it’s quite possible I’d forget to water, and then they’d die, and that would be depressing.

But I wanted to do *something* — so hey, I got a little birdcage decal — birdcages are very appropriate to old Victorians like mine — and the door is popped open and the birds are flying out, and that seems like a nice little metaphor for a workout area. After / before pics, plus close-up. Link to decal in comments — this is the 16″ x 9″ size, $14.95. I picked the gold, which I thought would pop nicely against the Benjamin Moore Ocean Blue of the wall.

Let’s get strong and fast and learn to fly, people. 🙂

(Also, be impressed that I resisted the urge to clean everything up before I took the photo. I would’ve had to just put it all right back, so it seemed silly.)

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