The 8-Year-Old in Me Is Pleased

I suddenly got really cold and a little shaky — I think I’ve been working slightly too hard, the last few days, and my thyroid disease (not normally a big deal, well-controlled) does mean that sometimes my body is very bad at temperature regulation. It’s like a very minor disability? Doesn’t usually stop me from doing anything, but can be annoying.

Luckily, I have nothing else scheduled today, so I’ve moved the radiator that normally lives in my office into the bedroom, refilled the humidifier, and am tucked up in bed with a mug of tea and some oranges, so I expect to be nice and warm again soon. Re-reading a little bit of a Bujold novel on my lunch break, and then will likely switch to e-mail, alternating with bits of laundry and straightening up.

I leave you with my adorable new stickers — I love that you can now easily get affordable customized stickers like this on Etsy and Amazon. Stickers on EVERYTHING! Isn’t this so pretty for Valentine’s and spring?

The 8-year-old in me is pleased. 🙂

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