Good Morning So Far

Good morning so far — about an hour of light gardening, then a couple hours dealing with some work e-mails I’d been avoiding. Paused work to jump on the treadmill for 20 minutes, then eat a little lunch — in the process, had an idea for one of the novels, which I’ve just jotted down so I don’t forget it completely. It’ll probably be a month before I get back to that book, at the earliest — I have two big Wild Cards stories to draft, and various short stories and essays I’d like to get out the door.

Next few hours, more gardening interspersed with story revision, I think. Normally, I’d be doing a lot of teaching work on a Monday, but I’m taking Labor Day seriously as a holiday — told my students to take the day to rest (or catch up), and we’d start the week on Tuesday. I’m a little overwhelmed after the first two weeks of school, and I figure they probably are too.

I spent much of Sat / Sun lying in bed or lounging on the couch, which helped with the tiredness, but there’s only so long I can do that before things start to fall down. Right now, checking things off the to-do list is the best thing I can do for my mental health, I think. If I get enough done, then I’m hoping to take a break around 3 and play Terraforming Mars with Jedediah…

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