Started Watching Unorthodox

Started watching “Unorthodox” this morning on Netflix — so far, it’s very compelling. It’s unfortunately not good sewing (or watercolor practice) TV — too much of it is in Yiddish, and I need to read the subtitles. I can maybe crochet or knit during it, if I’m working on something very simple, but that’s not in the queue this week. So I’m going to switch to a podcast shortly, and spend a few hours working on sewing masks. But recommended — oddly reminds me of McCaffrey’s Dragonsinger a bit. And some of my own work…

Masks this morning are for the food service guys at one of our local stores; I went out yesterday to pick up some groceries and dinner, and they didn’t have masks, and I asked if they could use some, and they said yes. I’ve mostly been sewing for healthcare workers so far, but food service is essential too, and I want them to stay healthy, for their own sakes, and for all of us.

I’ve started listening to Christopher Kimball’s Milk Street podcast, so I’m going to finish that first episode — not sure I love it, though I do really like the magazine.

I could use a few more podcast recommendations, I think, to keep me company while sewing this week. I have a lot of educational podcasts in my queue — I could maybe use something that’s primarily light and funny? I spend a lot of my time learning things, which is good, but also tiring sometimes. Hit me up with your recreational podcasting favorites, please!

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