No writing today

Well, no writing today, beyond the promised less-than-15-minutes of Tremontaine proofing. This is not a pattern I want to continue. 🙁 In the morning, I bought some mums and planted them, and got my nails done so they looked respectable for teaching, and picked up new folders and dry-erase markers for first day of classes, so it was all very pleasantly autumnal in a way, esp. since the weather was beautifully crisp this morning — cardigan weather. That was fine.
But I didn’t end up writing in the afternoon as planned. It’s mostly ’cause I had underestimated how long getting my course materials together would take, revising dates and then printing and stapling syllabi and first day handouts. Since classes start tomorrow, getting that done was an obvious priority. That ate up the afternoon, possibly because I was watching Orphan Black while doing it.
I really have to think about this whole watch-tv-in-background-while-doing-tedious-tasks thing; Kevin says it really slows me down, and I think he may be right. (On the plus side, OB appears to be as good as all the TV folk I talked to this WorldCon said it was. I’m about five episodes in now, so no spoilers, please.) The course prep didn’t get finished until dinnertime, and then I had to feed the kids and myself (Kevin was on campus teaching today), and then I went out and watered my sadly neglected garden and most especially the new mums, and then I went and had a celebratory dessert and drinks with Roshani, who has just started a new job, which doesn’t happen every day.
So it’s all fine, but tomorrow, I’m blocking out the afternoon to write. Four solid hours, folks. Let’s get this revision DONE.

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