Which alters when it alteration finds…

Summer apparently means I finally have a chance to get through at least some of my massive pile of alterations. Yesterday evening, while watching Buffy re-runs, I hemmed eight pairs of leggings (that would be *all* the leggings, because they were all a foot too long for me, and if I scrunch them up at the ankles, I feel like a five-year-old). Also shortened the straps on two sundresses so my bra would no longer show under the arms while wearing it; I realize that can be a style, but mostly, I would rather not.
Today was slightly more varied — while watching West Wing re-runs, took in one tank top at shoulder and sides, took at least eight inches off a maxi dress so it would only reach to my ankles, and cut, ironed, and pinned two jeans for hemming to ankle length tomorrow; was getting tired, and have to hunt up the orange jeans thread.
(Why do we sew blue jeans with orange thread? I bet the internet will tell me. Ah — possibly to match Levi’s copper rivets, but it’s not definitively known, due to a fire that destroyed company records in 1906. Interesting. http://www.levistrauss.com/unzipped-blog/2014/04/those-oft-forgotten-pant-parts/)
Kavi has sewing at her camp, and she was excited the first day, but it’s very free-form, and I think she’s been a little lost since then as to what to actually make. We’re planning to do headbands together on the weekend, and possibly a simple ribbon dress too. Hopefully that’ll give her some ideas that she’s excited about. We’re also planning to check out Project Runway Juniors for fashion inspiration. I have a secret plan to take one of her drawings I really like and turn it into fabric at Spoonflower that she can then use for her own sewing projects; we’ll see if I get to that anytime soon. A little scanning, a little uploading…

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