Midday check-in: 67,000 words

But that’s a bit of a lie, because about 5000 of those are from the old draft and need revising to bring them in line with the rest — I may end up throwing out half of them. But if I do that, and write three new scenes, I should get to the end of Part II, hopefully by tomorrow night. Then take a break, work on Tremontaine Mon-Wed, hand that in for my deadline. Then Wild Cards, which I have plotted out, so should hopefully not take more than two days to write. Which leaves me a week or so to finish the draft of the novel. All do-able, as long as I actually keep working. We’ll see. Resisting the urge to work on the short story I started at Mary Robinette’s place on Wed, because it’s not on any deadline at all. Wait, little short story. Your time will come.

1 thought on “Midday check-in: 67,000 words”

  1. You have so many words in your head, like children who want to tumble, your words want to play on the paper. Bonne chance!

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