Two scenes revised (and…

Two scenes revised (and one moved). Next is to actually write a new scene, which is oddly a little nerve-wracking after being in revision mode. It's weird how my brain seems to switch between drafting / revision -- when I'm in the midst of one, I'm very reluctant to switch to the other. Drafting seems impossibly hard when I've been revising, and vice versa. Dumb brain. Still, enough work on the book for today -- tomorrow will be soon enough to face that challenge.

Last scene of the chapter, I think, so hopeful that I can send out chapter 4 to first readers by the end of the week. I don't want to get ahead of myself, but if I can keep up this consistent pace, I could be done with revisions to the first half of the book by the end of June, and back to drafting new material -- we'll see.

Now, meet with Joan (student worker) for an hour or two about SLF website revisions, then hopefully at least an hour of dealing with e-mail. The day is getting away from me, but at least it's in a productive way.

Bit of the new material that I'm happy with:

"Their matriarch sat, white-haired and stately, spine erect, in a tall armchair. She wore a formal dress of green wool, with a patterned kilt in blue and green belted across it; the kilt was of particularly fine work, faded with age, clearly a family heirloom from Old Earth. These people had money, and a clear sense of pride in their history  the old woman must have been sweltering in those clothes, so inappropriate to the humid warmth of the domes, but not a trace of discomfort showed on her face."

I'm getting a better sense of this world, these people, their history. :-)

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