Last scene of the chapter, I think, so hopeful that I can send out chapter 4 to first readers by the end of the week. I don't want to get ahead of myself, but if I can keep up this consistent pace, I could be done with revisions to the first half of the book by the end of June, and back to drafting new material -- we'll see.
Now, meet with Joan (student worker) for an hour or two about SLF website revisions, then hopefully at least an hour of dealing with e-mail. The day is getting away from me, but at least it's in a productive way.
Bit of the new material that I'm happy with:
"Their matriarch sat, white-haired and stately, spine erect, in a tall armchair. She wore a formal dress of green wool, with a patterned kilt in blue and green belted across it; the kilt was of particularly fine work, faded with age, clearly a family heirloom from Old Earth. These people had money, and a clear sense of pride in their history the old woman must have been sweltering in those clothes, so inappropriate to the humid warmth of the domes, but not a trace of discomfort showed on her face."
I'm getting a better sense of this world, these people, their history. :-)