There's two events later today -- a 2-4 Kriti planning tea here (anyone else coming? We have five RSVP'd now, I think, which is enough for me to pull out the yummy TJ caramelized onion-cheese tarts and lemongrass chicken sticks); the plan is to figure out whom we want for our main guests, so I can start sending out invitations. Also draft pricing. We're going to try to keep Kriti as affordable as possible this time around, but I really would also like to subsidize as many panelists as we can. But first priorities: budget for space, main guests, program book (for which we can sell ads), reception food. You know I love me some food.
Then in the evening, 6-8, is the International Taste of Holmes potluck at Kavi's school. She and I will both be dressing up to walk in the international fashion parade again; I have to see which of my sari blouses currently fit me. :-) Kat and her kids might walk too, if we can find clothes for them.
Need to figure out what I'm bringing to the potluck -- Kavya has requested bombatoast, which is the only Sri Lankan food she currently loves. It's perhaps a bit messy for a potluck? Maybe not, if I use slightly nicer bread than usual, so it doesn't go as soggy as usual. I'll probably make that, with a little sign explaining what it is, so people don't assume it's just French toast. I mean, it *is* basically French toast, but slightly Sri Lankan-inflected. :-) No need for syrup!