Double batch of candy cane marshmallows (recipe courtesy Martha Stewart) finished. Oof! It was definitely a bit labor-intensive, not so much with the mixing (though that did require close attention for about half an hour and NO CHILD INTERRUPTIONS), but with the cutting up and dusting with powdered sugar afterwards. You could skip the dusting -- I don't think she did it, given that a) it wasn't in the recipe, and b) her marshmallows didn't get cloudy at all from sugar. But they will stick together somewhat if you don't dust.
As you can see in the second photo, if you dust the top, the pattern is really obscured. In the end, I dusted the bottom and sides, inevitably getting a bit on the top, and then did my best to shake the excess sugar off, which left the pattern reasonably clear. One batch makes 50 marshmallows; I made 100. They are, I have to say, SUPER-festive. :-)