Several years ago, we started the SLF small press co-op, and it�s in need of 2-3 new volunteer coordinators to help get it going more actively. The Speculative Literature Foundation Small Press Co-operative is an organization designed to help small presses within the science fiction, fantasy and horror genres co-operate on projects and exchange useful information.
A new coordinator would have four responsibilities:
a) track membership in the co-op and keep that updated on our web page,
b) supervise creation of a SLF co-op logo that members would display on their sites to link back to our co-op page,
c) help coordinate tables at WisCon and WorldCon, and possibly other conventions � basically anywhere there�s a co-op member who will be attending the convention and willing to take point, and
d) get a co-op Facebook page up and running, so members can more easily communicate with each other and promote their new titles, etc.
Once they had established the above, they could also come up with new initiatives for the co-op � buying ISBNs in bulk, for example. Since it�s a co-operative, new activities will be primarily generated by the interest of members.
If interested, please contact me at Include a brief bio, so I know your background and interests. It�s important that the coordinator be prompt with e-mail, and facility with social media is a big plus! Time commitment is flexible, but I�d plan for an hour or two a week, at least. Thanks!