I have a massive pile of urgent work to do today (which I have been doing since 4 a.m., thank you very much), but Jill has just loaned me Mindy Kaling's _Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?_, and I read the intro in the elevator going down to my office (it is a short intro, and a long elevator passage) and now I want to stop working and just read the whole thing. Damn you, Jill, and damn you, Mindy. I am going to eat a consolatory Peppermint Patty (damn you, York, and your delectable leftover Halloween candy) and then go back to work. Sigh. I may have to turn over the book so I don't see Mindy's adorable face looking up reproachfully at me.
"In this book I write a lot about romance, female friendships, unfair situations that now seem funny in retrospect, unfair situations that I still don't think are funny, Hollywood, heartache, and my childhood. Just that really hard-core, masculine stuff men love to read about."
Argh. There is an even more adorable photo of her on the back cover!