I didn't expect the foxglove to come back so strong. Lovely; now that I know they do a second round of bloom, I'm going to prioritize adding a few more next year. The azalea / rhododendron (not sure which) behind it is looking a bit sad, but I thin it's just parched -- it's supposed to rain later today and all of tomorrow, so that should help.
Love the subtle fading pinks of this hydrangea against the fallen brown leaves below.
Fall-blooming crocuses!
Teeny tiny little mum, perhaps as big as my thumb.
Oakleaf hydrangea -- love the subtle color creeping into the massive leaves.
Love the combination of creeping variegated color in the leaves of this geranium, contrasted with the deep purple-blue bloom. Even prettier than the summer version!
My Halloweeny door -- the mat says, "Enter if you dare�"