I'm looking for volunteer jurors willing to read roughly 75-100 applications (a few pages each, application + writing sample), over the space of about a month. Jurors should be writers / editors / teachers / etc. who are capable of judging literary quality in a work, and ideally have some experience (personal and/or professional) with the diversity categories listed above.
If interested, please send a brief note to mohanraj@uic.edu, with the subject line: JUROR. Include a paragraph or so on what your qualifying background would be for serving as a juror. If you have a preference for which jury you serve on, please note it -- we also offer two other grants who may need jurors next year, so the possible categories are: travel / older writers / class / diversity.
The SLF is currently entirely volunteer-staffed, so jurors won't be paid; all of our funds go directly to program support. But you would be doing a service to the field, and can, of course, list it on resumes and c.v.'s. Thank you!