Woke up at 3:30 a.m., stressed about work. Worked diligently basically from then until 1:30 p.m. (which, I feel compelled to note, is already a 10-hour work day). Arm started twinging badly. Stepped away from the computer, went to the woods for a bit, stopped wanting to punch someone, arm felt better. Picked up Kavya, brought her home, went back to work. Babysitter arrived, picked up Anand, got ready, went downtown for SAPAC (volunteer group) meeting. Meeting went from 6:00 until 8:15; it was a good, productive meeting, I think, though we're dealing with some challenging issues. Progress made on some of them, I think. Took train back, arm started hurting again for no good reason. No idea what I did to it. Walked the last block home promising my body a nice comfy bed. Got home at 9-ish, ready to crash, to find Kevin running around trying to find a 9-volt battery for beeping smoke detector on children's floor. Multiple beeping smoke detectors. He finally stole some from the basement smoke detectors, which are now beeping, but we can't hear them from up here. Anand is cheerfully wide awake and chattery through all of this. By 9:45, we had finally found all the beeping smoke detectors (3) and replaced the batteries; hopefully those will last out the night, at least, and no fires will break out in the basement. Now Kevin's lying down with Anand, and I am starving. Am going to have to go down and eat something or I won't be able to fall asleep.
LONG DAMN DAY. We'd better have chocolate.