For Trayvon, When…

For Trayvon, When Listening to My Facebook Friends
Is No Longer Enough

I teach a class an hour away, and late
at night, the only station I can hear
is Christian and conservative. A spate
of Bible verse for guide. The callers fear

for their immortal souls. They masturbate,
and then regret. A college boy in tears,
and I bewildered listening, the weight
of distance, each in our separate sphere --

and then I�m home again. Turn off the show;
it�s easier to bear this pain with those
who share my views. We are today deranged

with grief; I cannot bear to turn and go
to hear their fear that burns and outward flows.
Yet standing safe on shore will bring no change.


I'm not sure the topic shift really works here (from sex to death), so I may end up revising this substantially. Was just -- feeling a little thrown, I guess. By the echo chamber of my Facebook feed, which is remarkably consistent in its outrage on some issues; it's enough to make me feel like any other viewpoint is not just ridiculous, but impossible. And then I wander out of that little shell, for a moment, and am shocked senseless.

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