I've worked on a violence hotline for a year, I've read widely from survivors' stories; I think I can do the research to do a decent job. I'm not so much worried about getting it wrong as about...I don't know. Having the authority to tell this story? Something like that. Yet at the same time, I would tell people that avoiding writing characters of color is its own problem, because it inevitably contributes to the whitewashing effect in literature, to generations growing up with most of the characters available to them for identifying with as white. I think I can make a similar argument here, that shying away from portraying something that happens to women all the time is its own form of erasure. Does the parallel hold?
Can’t you find another substitute for the assault of a woman? Or at least make it non-sexual. The way current fiction reads, it’s the only motivation for women besides protection of children and I’m tired of it.
By the way, I know you have similar reactions so the fact that you’re using the assault probably means it somehow is necessary, but I felt it necessary to whine because I’m deeply sick of it in fiction.
I think it probably will be non-sexual, actually.