Someone told me to keep…

Someone told me to keep garden notes when we moved here, and I have to say, it's incredibly helpful, and hardly any work. You can't see the formatting here, but I keep them in Word, and I bold the name of the flower, and I highlight in blue my thoughts for fall planting / other changes. This is what I have so far this year:

2013 -- Notes and Planting Plan

Everything�s starting about a month later than 2012; more normal.

- snowdrops (March 30) � about 7-8 popped up in the lawn, not so visible, and kind of tall compared to the scilla/chiondoxa; add in clumps in the dirt beds, maybe 50?

- crocuses (April 1) (nice bunches, but sadly getting eaten a lot by bunnies; maybe hold off on adding more)

- species irises (April 1) � a few nice bunches and a loose line in front of the blue bench; add more bunches! May not come back, so add about ten bunches, including 2-3 in the hellstrip

- hellebores (April 5) � 3-5 flanking steps, coming along nicely (one blooming), added two (Peppermint Ice) flanking the base of the path near sidewalk, getting compliments! move the ones that aren't growing well to the hellstrip for more early sun?

- winter aconite � would be blooming now, yellow � add to the back? Apparently mixes well with snowdrops, tends to crowd out crocuses. Messy leaves, so plant towards the back of borders, where they�ll be camouflaged�

- scilla and chiondoxa (April 7) � just starting, tiny in dry grass, pretty; could use more of both in the front grass and hellstrip, perhaps 50 each, looks best in small clumps

- three shrubs near front never made red berries, and they catch a lot of leaves; consider replacing with Euonymus Japonica �Green Spires�, commonly known as the Japanese Spindle Tree, which is apparently immune to dog urine

- three pulmonaria blooming in triangle (April 12) � add more to nearby beds

- hyacinths blooming (April 14) � three berries and cream, one awesome patch of rich blue � what is that? Add more?

- planted lots of irises (possibly too close together, April 15): three of Pallida Dalmatica, one each of Madame Chereau, Wabash, Quaker Lady, Pallida Dalmatica, Florentina, Mrs. Horace Darwin, Queen of May, Caprice, Shah Jehan

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