I really am churning…

I really am churning through the to-do list, so hopefully that makes up for how tedious these posts are for you guys. SORRY! I feel like I've been working very hard, with a lot of focus, and it's still enormously long. But it's getting small enough that I can actually start breaking it down by day, though, which is exciting.

Mostly today was academic focus -- I'm pretty much prepped for start of school, which is awesome -- the semester is still almost three weeks away, and I'm in great shape. I've never been this prepared so far in advance before. Yay.

It's thunderstorming here now, which is also awesome. (I am overusing awesome these days. I can't seem to stop. I blame Neil Patrick Harris.) I did have to close all the windows I'd opened this morning, but it's totally worth it. Thunder. Pouring rain. The neighbors' gorgeous rain chains making pretty sounds and waterfalls. The kids getting excited that there was water on Anand's room's floor -- oops. (Don't worry, Kev -- fixed now.)

On an unrelated note, the Illinois Arts Council just noted that they're sponsoring individual artists again. I won a $7000 fellowship from them several years ago, which was, dare I say, awesome. They suspended the program a few years ago -- it seems like a hopeful economic sign to me that they've found the money to start it up again. Yay! Off to check whether I'm eligible to apply...

  • pickup promo booklets from Kinko's -- DONE
  • write with Lori and Angeli at Ethiopian Diamond Friday (take Lori MD sauce, and Angeli leftover mackerel and rice) -- DONE
  • finish next story for TSC -- DONE

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