Two quick pieces of…

Two quick pieces of exciting Kickstarter book news:

1) I'm changing the title of the book! It turns out that a new SF series has just come out with the same title, and rather than create confusion, I'm going to change mine. I'm actually very excited about the new title, which I think is fabulous for the book. As you may remember, the book is set in a university city (in space!), and I found a great university motto to inspire my new title: The Stars Change.

It's from the university motto, Sidere mens eadem mutato: The stars change but the mind remains the same. You'll have to read the book to see just how perfectly it suits the story.

2) The other news is that I finally have a pre-order page up. Here's the link to the pre-order info: Remember, the print editions are small, limited runs, so when they're gone, they're gone. :-)

Thanks, everyone! And now I'm back to writing -- Part I is finished, and I'm moving on to Part II. :-)

2 thoughts on “Two quick pieces of…”

  1. I’m honestly not sure. Probably 80,000 words or so? But it could easily go shorter or longer. I’ll have a better sense by the end of the summer. Possibly sooner. 🙂

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