- DesiLit Writing Workshop -- $1000
- DesiLit Writing Award -- $3000
- DesiLit Magazine -- $5000
- workshop director will administer forums, track members, e-mail monthy reminders to the group about how many crits / subs have been posted by whom, e-mail weekly writing prompts (optional), and forward information about anthology and magazine calls
- workshop will be divided into poetry, short fiction and nonfiction, and book-length works; also a market list and writing prompts list; members can join as many groups as they want.
- membership will cost $20 / year; sliding scale
- $10 pledge supports working writers who are trying to improve their craft and create better literature for you to read!
- $20 pledge gets you workshop membership for one year
- $30 pledge gets you workshop membership + a set of five bookmarks handmade from the covers of beautiful South Asian books
- $50 pledge gets you workshop membership + a DesiLit mug that will sit on your desk and inspire your creative efforts
- $75 pledge gets you membership + a mug + a DesiLit t-shirt that you can wear to conventions, readings, and other literary events
- $300 pledge gets you membership + three written short story critiques by Mary Anne Mohanraj (limit 3), and a half-hour conversation about your writing, via phone, Skype, or in person in Chicago (your choice).
- $400 pledge gets you membership + a coaching session with Minal Hajratwala.
- $500 pledge gets you membership + a agent-coaching conversation with Anna Ghosh; you can tell her about your book(s), and she'll advise you on how to approach agents and publishers with your work.
So what do you think? Specifically, I'm wondering if $20 / year is reasonable for what the workshop would offer, and whether the pledge rewards sound attractive, and if you have any ideas for other (better) pledge rewards? Also, I think I need pledge rewards at the $100 and $200 levels. This is just a first pass, what I was able to brainstorm on the train coming into the conference, and I am totally up for changing it radically.
The higher pledge rewards would probably go half towards paying the person doing the work, and half towards workshop support -- unless they wanted to volunteer their time, which I don't want to assume. (I have no idea whether Minal or Anna would do the work for that amount; it's just a starting point for a conversation.)