I got a lovely surprise…

I got a lovely surprise today -- my best friend from high school, Lisette, is in town for Christmas! She was able to come out to the house for a fabulously long visit, almost five hours (!), and we actually managed to thoroughly catch up on our professional / personal lives after too long a hiatus. We've both been so busy!

One of the nicest things about the holiday season is the chance to reconnect with old friends. I had planned to spend half of tomorrow writing (while Kev and I switched off childcare), but I think I may go visit her at her dad's house for most of that time instead. Lisette flies back to L.A. at 2:30, and while I'm itching to write, I can't see her when she's not here! I can always give up sleep for writing if I have to.

I'm pleased that I managed to scrounge lunch for us -- a shepherd's pie out of our Christmas dinner of leftover lamb roast, minted pea puree, scalloped potatoes & sweet potatoes. I chopped up the lamb pretty finely, sauted it briefly with red onion, garlic, and salt, simmered it in some leftover red wine, layered it in our new purple, oh, sorry, cassis oval baking dish, layered the pureed peas above the lamb, and topped with mashed up potatoes. Baked for twenty minutes or so, and then broiled it for a little too long -- should have done five minutes instead of ten. But it was still delicious.

There are few things as satisfying as looking at the random leftover things in your fridge and making something new and delicious out of them. Although spending time with an old friend might just trump that. :-)

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