Woke up at 3:30, for some ungodly reason. Kind of groggy, but also thinking about various work things, so my brain wouldn't let me go back to sleep. Best just to get up and start churning through in that situation, I think. I suspect this is mostly start-of-school excitement; esp. for the fall semester, I tend to be a little bit buzzed for at least a few days before school starts. New beginnings! Cooler air! Wake, wake, sings the lark! Something like that, anyway. :-)
e-mail ASAM faculty for grad student list updates -- DONE
straighten pantry (again -- somehow, this space gets messy faster than anything else) -- DONE
read Elgin and decide if using for class -- DONE
9 -- talk to Ziggy re: nonfunctioning AC (sigh) -- DONE
noon -- eyebrows and nails (prep for first day of school!) -- DONE
buy Tellicherry black pepper at Penzey's -- DONE
2-4 -- writing time (draft story for new book) -- DONE
get TP holder and bathtub curtain rod at Home Depot -- DONE
put away laundry -- DONE
Sorry you woke up so early, though with that huge a to-do list I would have, too!
Related to the concept of the start of the term, my friend Joyce posted a question about books for incoming freshpeeps, & it occurred to me that you’ll have EXCELLENT suggestions: http://joyce.livejournal.com/2151171.html
Sorry, didn’t get that link marked up properly before posting: Let’s say that you are involved in picking a book for freshmen to read…