Just a quick note that…

Just a quick note that the power connector on my main laptop is fried. In the week that Anand started seriously crawling, he got seriously fast, and managed to get all of our power cords into his mouth, thereby corroding the connections. (Two computer cords, one iPhone cord. Sigh.) Luckily, my computer is still under warranty, and after an hour at the Apple Store yesterday (and $26 for downtown parking, oof), they appear to be willing to fix this, so I just lose the use of it for a week. And I do have a MacBook Air that UIC bought me when I started working there, so I'm not computer-less. And I'm backed up. But it's not so easy to grab the files from back-up, and with WisCon this week anyway, I think I'm mostly going to just take this as a low-computer week, and try to focus on other projects. So if I owe you computer things, they may not get handled for a while. (What else is new? :-)

Things you didn't factor in as baby costs -- three new power cords. Sigh. (Yes, they're all up off the floor now, safely out of reach of tiny fast hands.)

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