A few nice things have…

A few nice things have happened recently:

  • I've been selected to be honored by the Chicago Foundation for Women, as one of the leading Asian American Women in the Creative Arts. There's going to be a fancy reception and I imagine speeches and the like. And I get to meet an actress from Scrubs. Very cool. Now I have to figure out what to wear. They said business casual, so I think a fancy sari might be a bit over the top. :-)

  • I've been invited to join a collaborative writing project led by a writer whose work I really love. Very exciting. I haven't decided definitely to join yet; need to look over some materials and consider time constraints. But regardless, flattered to be asked. More details on that one soon.

  • Kevin and I are taking a mini-vacation this week. We decided we don't really have the time or money to go away properly right now (maybe later), but we definitely could use a little break. So here's the plan -- Thursday, after finishing teaching, I meet him for a 3:15 showing of Watchmen at the IMAX. Then we go somewhere for a nice dinner. Then we check into the Drake, and sleep on luxurious sheets in a fancy room. In the morning, breakfast in bed. Lounging about. No internet -- we're not bringing our laptops. (Shocking, I know!) Then fancy high tea at the Drake's Palm Court. And then home again, home again, to see whether Kavi and Ellie survived our absence. (With Jarmila here, I think they'll be just fine.)

  • And next weekend at the tail end of our one-week spring break, we have lots of guests: my sister's coming Fri-Sun, and Kevin's parents are coming Fri - Tues. Should be fun showing off Kavi, who can now count to tweven. (What, you don't know tweven? Eight, nine, ten, tweven. That's how it goes, apparently.) She also knows her colors and can sing the alphabet song all the way through. Pretty good for twenty-two months. (Actually, I have no idea how that tracks, but it seems good to us. :-)

4 thoughts on “A few nice things have…”

  1. Be careful with your kids inventing numbers. It’s possible for them to break math. I speak from bitter experience.

    Of course, with Kevin around, you’ll probably have a much easier time fixing math than I did. Or at least leaving it more interestingly broken.

  2. “Tweven” is adorable. Alice used to confuse seven and eleven, so she’d sometimes count in circles: “seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, eight, nine, ten, seven, eight, nine…”

    Enjoy the vacation!

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