Kevin's been doing all the cooking around here, and I miss it! I actually snuck in a chicken and potato curry a few days ago when he was supposed to be cooking just because I missed cooking. And yesterday, we were eating leftover lamb, and I made a garlic-mint aioli and grilled onions and a mango chutney to go with the lamb on sandwiches, mostly because I felt the need to chop things. Weird, huh? :-) I'm cooking next week again, and I've made all kinds of ambitious plans. So you may hear about some yummy dishes soon.
I'm hellishly behind on e-mails, because Kavi has been very touchy due to the heat (it's been 80s-90s here) and bad sleeping, and has complained loudly every time I picked up the computer (or a book) -- she wants me paying attention to her! But Kevin's going to watch her for a chunk of today so I'm hoping to maybe go to a nice air-conditioned library or cafe and plow through some of the backlog. Maybe even grade a few more papers...
I did miss working out yesterday, but not because I'm tired of the Wii Fit -- no, it's just because Kavi didn't sleep well Thursday night, and Kevin handed her off to me at 3:30 a.m., so I was very very tired all day and not up to working out. Also very sore from various Wii exercises, so it's maybe just as well that I took a day off. But going back to it now! No noticeable weight loss or anything yet, but the days I exercised I definitely felt stronger and more energetic all day. I don't really understand why that would be -- you'd think it would make you tireder!