Kavya's taken to crawling in strange places; this is me discovering her half-inside one of the end tables.
There's been a lot of Kavi-time in my life lately, and to be honest, yesterday I had had enough. I got really frayed and sick of dealing with her -- but the funny part was that we'd had several hours of babysitting on Saturday, and Kevin was able to watch her for much of Sunday. I was a little sick, so somehow I didn't want to go out; I wanted to be at home. And when I was home, it was really hard not to be hanging out with her. Maybe because that felt more purposeful than wandering around the house trying to figure out what to do with myself. Which is what I did for much of the weekend -- I couldn't seem to make myself write, or read anything serious, or focus on any kind of real work at all. I could barely even clean -- organizing was beyond me. Just a weird, useless sort of half-sick mood, and by the end of the day yesterday, I was ready to scream, or snap at the baby or Kevin or something. But they hadn't actually done anything wrong. Really, Kavi's been pretty cute the last few days (see photo), an almost-constant angel baby, with only brief flashes of the screeching demon baby that we knew so well.
Taking photos was the only thing that soothed me a little bit, but then I ran out of things I wanted to photograph. I think if I don't do something creative regularly, I get a little mentally stir-crazy or something. To that end, I'm taking up a new hobby. Or at least dipping my toes into the water. I've always wanted to be able to paint -- I'm going to run out to the art store in an hour and pick up some acrylics and heavy paper and a basic how-to-paint book. Maybe splashing paint onto abstract canvasas will be something I can do when I can't face the computer anymore...