Calling for Volunteer Editors

Y’all may remember the magazine thing I mentioned at the end of April? Projects happen in fits and starts these days, but I’m just getting ready to slowly start working on it now.

Again, the main idea is that it’d be sort of a cross between Martha Stewart Living and Granta. Here’s lots more info on the concept:

I’m going to need some volunteer editors to help with defining what it is, drafting a call for a first issue, etc. I do want the literary quality to be high, so while my general impulse to to invite anyone who wants to, to come help with this, I actually do want to ‘interview’ for potential editors. (Will editors get paid eventually? Maybe? Depends on how this goes. I’m thinking a demo issue first, and if that goes well and we want to continue, a Kickstarter to fund future issues.)

And if you:

• read that
• are willing to join the Slack where we’ll be discussing it (I can teach you how to use Slack if you’re not familiar with it — you’ll need to create an account, but it’s super-simple, and you can do it through a regular browser if you don’t want to download the free app)
• want to interview with me about being an editor (fiction, poetry, essays & interviews, reviews, art, podcast, video)
• or just want to come join the Slack and help out with the project more loosely…

…let me know, either with a comment below or a PM. (In either case, please include an e-mail address, so we can continue the conversation / add you to Slack.)

I’m tentatively planning to have the first issue themed around fabric, sewing, & masks.

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