
Summer schedule accountability check-in:
Yesterday had a lot of exercise — 6:30 a.m. walk with a friend, taking Kavi for a 4:30-5:00 orientation at the gym, 6 – 7:30 post-cancer gym class. So 3 hours for exercise-related stuff, which is TOO much exercise for me; I hit 15,000 steps by bedtime and was over-tired and had trouble sleeping. I did get some writing and SLF work done, but not as much as I’d wanted, and I went to bed irritated and frustrated.
Today is much better so far. No exercise yet, but I woke up at 6 a.m., puttered a bit, worked on overdue SLF stuff for 45 minutes, had breakfast, and then wrote from 7:30 – 9:30, pretty much on schedule. (Reshaping broken novel to hopefully awesome novella.) Internet came back on, so promoted SLF stuff.
Then got kids breakfast and packed lunch and took them to camp, came home and talked to landscaper about somewhat belated spring clean-up of yard (I actually don’t mind weeding myself, but I am accepting that I just don’t have time for some things and they should be outsourced as affordable.) And now checking in.
Still need to exercise today, and the rest of the day will probably be dedicated to heading towards Inbox Zero and reading. But the critical things (2 hours writing + urgent SLF work) got done before lunch. Is good. Let’s keep this up.

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