
Okay. Was feeling a little panicky last night with all the things I had queued up, which all felt quite urgent. (I actually made Kevin stop watching Discovery with me so I could take notes on things before I forgot them). But have now reassessed the stack, realized that two of the events I was planning to organize could easily be shifted a month forward, done. Whew.

That was helpful, and will almost certainly improve attendance too. Hard to get people to come out for things in Chicago winters. (I’m a little worried about the Deep Dish reading on March 1st — the first two were really well-attended, but if it’s cold or worse, snowing, that day…well, we’ll see. I’m hoping that maybe some friends will join me for dinner beforehand and then come to the reading. Manish? Devi? Aaron?)

And the YA book manuscript I was feeling like I needed to send out ASAP, I’ve looked at again, and am realizing there’s no reason not to take a week or two to implement the revision notes I have on it. Okay. That bumps it up a little bit in the importance pile, but it’s not immediate.

Going to try to knock a few more things off the to-do list today, like actually sending out the cookbook proposal to the two editors who specifically asked to look at it. I’ve been hanging onto it for no good reason. Out the door!

(Although I had another idea yesterday for what might be a nice addition to it — what if I interviewed my dad about the various recipes and included his recollections as inserts in the book…? Wouldn’t that be great? It’s his own fault for doing all that Facebooking of his memories in the last few months. Well, that’s a big project, and I think I should just mention it to the editors as a possibility, if any are actually interested in the book.)

I also need to find Perennial, which is DONE, and just needs a tiny edit or two from the designer. I put the proof copy of the book down somewhere in this house, but where, is the question?

Okay, Mary Anne. Back to work. Maybe light a few candles and do meditation first, though. Center self so I’m not trying to run in twenty directions at once…

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