Whoa — I’m going to…

Whoa -- I'm going to need to practice talking about The Stars Change. Usually when I do readings from it, I just read, but I had a longer slot today, so I ended up framing the reading with some discussion of the inspiration for the book -- which meant I ended up talking about the troubles in Sri Lanka, and murder in the streets, and Sinhalese people who sheltered their Tamil neighbors at the risk of their own lives and I actually got a bit teary, which can be a bit distracting during a reading. I kept it together, and part of the problem is probably just that I am still so exhausted (my exciting convention plan for this evening is to stay in my bed from now (5 p.m.) until tomorrow morning), but still. I need to get used to talking about this book.

That said, I think the reading went well. Thanks to Cliff for being an awesome co-reader; I especially appreciated that he was reading a very funny piece, because it was a terrific foil to all the sadness in my book. Though you should still read it, misery and all. It's not actually a total downer, I swear.

1 thought on “Whoa — I’m going to…”

  1. “Not a total downer” is an understatement. It becomes more and more intriguing with the passing of months since I read it. I keep wondering and speculating about what is going to happen next. Wishing for a sequel…

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