Kavi had a birthday…

Kavi had a birthday party today, so I took her over to the gym, got her out of the car, went in and hung out with friends for the party. All of which was good and fun, but when we came out again, I was startled to see the lights on the car. What?

And then when I walked up to it, I found that I hadn't just left the lights on, but I had, in fact, left the keys in the ignition and the car running for the entire two hours. Argh. Good thing we live in a quiet neighborhood, and that the car didn't run out of gas. But I think the real lesson of this is the following:

I am TIRED, people.

I think I'm going to cancel my meeting on campus tomorrow and exercise the option to work from home, because if I don't get some serious rest soon, anything might happen. And not in a good way.

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