Hey, ho. Today’s a…

Hey, ho. Today's a watching-Anand and getting-ready-for-ChiCon day. In theory, the convention registration starts today, but Anand's pre-school is closed this week (terrible timing!), and there doesn't seem to be any actual programming yet, and the dealer's room isn't open yet, so I'm just going to stay home and prep. Kev's got to be on campus basically all day for teaching + meetings.

The Graywolf submissions are due by the end of the week, which means I pretty much have to do it today; I'm hoping I can concentrate for at least an hour while Anand naps. There's a bit of urgent ASAM admin work to do as well, setting up events for the coming year. I generally like event planning, but it would be nice if everything wasn't happening this week. Oh well!


  • Costco: buy remaining groceries and party supplies for Thursday (buns, paper products, sodas, alcohol, what else?) -- DONE
  • find SLF banner, t-shirts, mugs, and bookstands in basement -- DONE
  • revise AP; send to Graywolf -- DONE
  • last round of grocery shopping -- DONE
  • cook spicy vegan potato curry -- DONE
  • cook fish curry in coconut milk -- DONE
  • Jed arrives late -- DONE!

1 thought on “Hey, ho. Today’s a…”

  1. I like the idea that Monday evening you’ll check whether I’m still there. 🙂

    (Spoiler warning in case you want to be surprised on Monday!)

    Yep, my flight back is on Tuesday afternoon.

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