Drew Bittner reviewed…

Drew Bittner reviewed Fort Freak (very positively :-) for SFRevu, and then interviewed some of the authors, including me. Here's the interview!

Spent the morning organizing a bookshelf (yes, my life is just that exciting, but now the dining room is actually properly unpacked), talking to the plumber and Pam who were over here doing stuff (our kitchen sink now has decent water pressure and a sprayer that doesn't leak, and Kevin's office has a little bar sink for his espresso needs), and doing dishes. Very exciting. Okay, not exciting, but satisfying. Progress, bit by bit. Someday, this house will be (mostly) done.

At some point, I have gazillion phone calls to make (broken and missing fridge parts / slipcovers plus for velvety (too hot) sofa / PB re: missing bed part / Comcast re: billing for old apartment). But I can't face it right now.

The kids are in school today (because yesterday was a holiday, and we're paying for three days of childcare a week this summer), so I have an unexpected free day. I'm off to have lunch with Lori in Evanston, then try to find some brackets for my hanging baskets at Gethsemane (so they can finally hang) along with a bit of groundcover, maybe make a quick stop at Nadeau, and then come home where I hope Kevin can help me with unpacking the rest of the master bath and the library. Or at least making some progress on it before he goes to pick up the kids. And then an hour of admin work for tomorrow's meeting, and cooking Thai food for dinner: green curry chicken and stir-fried veggies with rice.

We'll see how over-ambitious that plan turns out to be. :-)

3 thoughts on “Drew Bittner reviewed…”

  1. Having lived in our house for 26 years, I can say that nothing ever gets finished without another project added to the “honey-do” list.
    This past week I faced the challenge of rerouting the internet cable running through the attic from one bedroom to a nearby one. It involved pulling the end up into the attic without damaging the clip, plowing through deep insulation while enduring Florida sun on the roof and, by good fortune, finding old holes in the wall plate
    to drop the cable through. It took several days to recuperate from the sweat lodge of the attic and contortions needed to manouver through the trusses. Next moving the telephone line. Arrrgh.

  2. Unrelated, but when I saw the name Evanston it triggered an old memory (from the 1960’s?) that Evanston is a town where Prohibition is still in effect. Is this still true?

  3. You can certainly get your drink on in Evanston now.

    Park Ridge is a northwest suburb of Chicago that still has some blue laws. Only restaurants can serve alcohol. No bars. You have to go .8 miles to Chicago to drink seriously, which everyone does.

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