Also, it is at least as…

Also, it is at least as scary talking about money and class, as it ever was talking about race or sex.

3 thoughts on “Also, it is at least as…”

  1. Mary Anne Mohanraj

    For me, it’s mostly about a power position, I think. In most categories, I’m in the minority / oppressed group. But re: class, I’m now most definitely in the privileged / potentially oppressive group.

    I worry about losing my friends if I speak badly from this position, which I never really worried about before.

    It’s a good worry, I think. Good for me, if no fun.

  2. I’ve been running into this myself lately. Running into it like a sprinter finding a brick wall.

    Sharon and I are definitely on the comfortable side of the class divide. My family is definitely on the one-step from subsistence side. Lately, my brother has been having extremely bad problems. I get to watch helplessly as class destroys him. The shit he has to put up with is grossly unfair and seems intractable.

    Yet if I had just a bit more class privilege, a good number of his problems could just be monied away.

    Talking about it makes me feel vulnerable in ways I’d never considered, as though his problems will stick to me if I acknowledge them head-on.

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